Chapter 7: Boss Fight

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You were walking with your sister, Kirito and Asuna behind the rest of the raid party to the 1st Floor Labyrinth. "Okay so we team up as follows: Me and (S/N) and then you and Asuna." you said to Kirito. "That's a good plan. We knock away their pole axes with a sword skill and then we switch." answered Kirito. The rest of you nodded in confirmation. The entire raid group went into the Labyrinth and killed all the mobs inside.

In front of the Boss Room Diavel stopped and planted his sword in the ground. "Okay everyone, I just want to say one thing: Let's win this." And with that he touched the giant stone doors that closed off the Boss Room where Illfang the Kobold Lord resided with his Ruin Kobold Sentinels. They opened and revealed the huge figure of the 1st Floor Boss sitting on a throne with his buckler and one-handed axe within arm's reach. Once the room was completely lit up you could see him clearly. He was over two meters tall, muscular and had red skin with a diamond-shaped, grey tattoo on his belly.He wore a metal helmet with his red rat-like ears poking out of it and two bloodthirsty red eyes underneath. His face looked like a creepy combination of a rat and wolf. He got up from his seat, grabbed his weapon and shield and leaped across half the room. He landed a couple of meters away from Diavel, who was the player closest to the Boss. Illfang let out a roar aimed at the sky and four health bars appeared.

At the same time the 3 Ruin Kobold Sentinels spawned in. You, your sister, Kirito and Asuna ran over to the first of the minions. One swung his club at you and you countered it with a slant. Then your sister switched in and disposed it within seconds with her daggers. You then looked over to Kiri to and Asuna and saw that he stopped a club dead in its tracks. Asuna then ran in with a linear depleting its health bar completely and the Ruin Kobold Sentinel shattered into blue shards. Then your sister dodged a swing from the third minion and stabbed it a couple of times. You ran over to her, jumped and slashed it with a vertical and killed it. You then continued to slash, swing and stab the other Ruin Kobold Sentinels until they were disposed of. You then saw that the rest of the assault team had brought down Illfang's last health bar into the red. The big, anthropomorphic rat-wolf threw his axe and buckler away and reached behind his hip. What he pulled out wasn't what you were expecting. It was an ōdachi and not a talwar. Diavel ran up to it and tried to attack it. Why would he do that? you thought. "DIAVEL! THAT ISN'T A TALWAR, IT'S AND ŌDACHI!" you yelled at him. "What's the difference?!" he responded. "Well, an ōdachi is longer and thus has more reach. Additionally, it also does more damage." you warned him. "Also the talwar was favored by cavalrymen, while an ōdachi was mainly used for dick measuring." you added. Diavel however, didn't respond and continued to advance to the boss. Is he seriously trying to get the Last Attack Bonus right now?! Man, don't be so selfish and stay save. you prayed, but apparently any sort of gods had abandoned you. Illfang jumped from pillar to pillar and landed in front of the blue-haired knight. He slashed his ōdachi diagonally from left to right with Diavel taking the blow fully, being swung into the air. Then Illfang lauched himself into the air too and hit Diavel again with a downward slash. Diavel hit the ground close to you and you rushed over to him. You saw his health bar slowly depleting. "You... were... a bèta-tester right?" Diavel asked you weakly. You nodded and gave him a health potion, but he refused. "You know the rare item that drops from the last attack bonus?" Then it hit you. "You were a bèta-tester too, huh?" you asked and this time it was him who nodded. "Go... kill... the boss... and take it.... For everyone." he said and he shattered into small blue fragments. You then got up and gripped your anneal blade tightly. "(S/N), follow me!" you said, "we're exterminating that damn rat like the pest it is." "Gotcha, brother." your sister answered. You threw of your cloak since it would only get in the way and your sister did the same. You then both ran at the 1st Floor Boss. He charged up his sword skill tsujikaze and let it go. You countered it using slant and were knocked back by the force of Illfang. "Now!" you yelled to your sister. She slid underneath his legs with daggers drawn and made a couple of slashes on his thighs. She then stopped sliding, turned around, jumped and ran on his back. Once by his head she locked it with her legs and stabbed him in his eyes with her reverse gripped daggers. Illfang then stumbled around, smashing into multiple pillars. Your sister sometimes took also a bit of a hit and lost a bit of HP. "Jump, (S/N)!" Kirito yelled at her. She did and fell, but you ran over and caught her before she hit the ground. "Thanks, bro. I knew I could count on you." your sister said. "You can always do that." you responded. You then ran over to the blind Kobold Lord and started to slash at him. He got up and swung his sword blindly. He hung over a bit and you directly used this opportunity to use a vertical, smashing him into the ground once again. You landed, slid away and took off raising your sword high up atop your shoulder. Your sword started emitting a blue/white light indicating the sword skill sonic leap and you brought it down upon Illfang the Kobold Lord. You then landed like a superhero and stood up. But you weren't the only one to stand up. So did the 1st Floor Boss. "Ugly and annoying, just like a pest. Seriously, why won't you just DIE?!" you said, yelling out the last part. You kept your body low and bent forward while placing the sword in a parallel manner to the user's right leg and then drawing the sword back. You then covered the ten meters with an upward slash finishing your rage spike. Your sword ended up between the eyes of Illfang the Kobold Lord, which were no longer there as your sister stabbed them out, making a weird looking rat-wolf-unicorn hybrid out of him. It took away his last sliver of HP and he shattered into tiny, blue, polygonic shards. A big text appeared saying 'Congratulations' and a window popped up with all the rewards you got from beating the first ever Floor Boss of Sword Art Online and thus beating the 1st Floor.

Everyone was celebrating and Kirito, Asuna, Agil and your sister congratulated you. "WHY?! Why did you let Diavel die?!" yelled Kibaou throughout the entire roomroom, "You knew the boss' moves! If you share what you knew beforehand, he wouldn't have died!" "He must be a bèta-tester. That's how he recognized the attack patterns. He knew, but didn't tell us. And he's not the only one. Just admit it,bèta-testers!" another player added. You straightened yourself and took a firm stance. You turned around with a smirk on your face. "Bèta-testers? Don't put me into the same category as those noobs. I would like to say something to all of you. We've traveled far and up many stairs to get to this point. Fighting side by side, noobs and leets alike. I would like to take a moment to say that I couldn't have done it without the help of each and every one of you." "That's nice of you." Agil said. You then continued: "But I'm not a liar, so I'm not gonna say any of that." "Oh, shit" "I mean really, I could have done this whole boss fight by myself. But to be fair, you did absorb a bit of damage for me, which was nice. You were an adequate meat shield and no one can take that away from you." "Fuck. Fuck. Shut up! Shut up!" "So for everyone here. Don't compare me to them and most importantly: shoot for the stars." "That last one didn't sound like an asshole statement." said Asuna. "It will only make it more fun for me when I kick you back in the dirt." "Oh, nevermind." "You're not better than us!" said a random player. "My sweet ass coat begs to differ." you responded and equipped the coat of midnight.

" you responded and equipped the coat of midnight

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"Damn it, he got us there." You walked up the stairs to the 2nd Floor, but you heard footsteps approach you from behind. You turned around and saw your sister looking sad. "Why did you do that?" she asked in a sobbing tone. You patted her head and she looked up. "I did that because I wanted to prevent the other players from hating and lynching the other bèta-testers. This way they will only hate me and not the other bèta-testers, such as you." you explained and you beckoned Asuna and Kirito over. "(S/N), I don't think it's gonna be good for you if you stay around me for now." "Why not?" "The other players already hate me. If you stay with me, they might target you too. And I want you to be save." "I see." she said sadly. "I'll swing by from time to time, so don't worry about that okay?" "Where should I go then?" "Stay with Kirito and Asuna, if that's okay with you?" you said, turning to the both of them at the last part of your sentence. They both nodded. "Well then, this is a goodbye for now." you said. Your sister ran up to you and hugged you tightly. You hugged her back and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Stay save, brother." she said. "Same goes for you, (S/N)." you said and you both let go. Then Asuna and Kirito walked up and hugged you. "Stay save guys." you said. "Take your own advice to heard, dude." said Kirito. You then walked off to the 2nd Floor.

Thank you for your time reading this chapter. Leave any and all suggestions, support or criticism. What route will (Y/N) go, since he's now hated by almost everyone? Will this choice change him? And if so, how will it change him? You'll read it in the next chapter. As always laterrrr - Dodo

The Reaper (Sword Art Online x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now