Being Lazy

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Harry: Sleep is something you've learned not to take for granted. There's never enough time to sleep when you visit Harry on tour; there's always some place to be, something grand to see. Tours mean no sleep. Coming off a tour, means sleep for days. You lay in bed, curled on your side against Harry's bare chest and let the gentle rise and fall of his chest lull you back into a semi-conscious stupor. It's still early, you can tell from the barely visible streaks of light emerging from behind the black out curtains Harry had purchased years ago. The air is chilly in the bedroom, exactly how you like it. Harry usually complains that it's too cold but he just pulls the covers up higher and leaves it at that. "Too early," Harry mumbles, sleep laced voice cutting through the silence. Nuzzling closer to him, you nudge your nose against his chest and sigh in agreement. His arm tightens around your waist and tugs you closer until you're sprawled out on top of him, shifting until one knee is tucked against his hip and the other is entangled between his legs. "This isn't comfortable," you complain against his neck, shifting around until you're straddling his hips and sit up. He cracks an eye open and shrugs, fingers finding a resting place on your bare thighs and he smiles lazily. "This is," he comments, rolling his head on the pillow beneath him to crack his neck nosily before he settles for gazing up at you through sleep hazed eyes. "Don't... I'm too tired to do anything sexy," you mumble, rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands before pushing your hair off your face and behind your ears. "We could have lazy sex," Harry offers, fighting the exhaustion clouding his eyes and the darkness that is calling him back home. "Or, we could sleep," you retort, shifting to Harry's right and pull him around your back so he's forced to spoon. "Too tired to complain," Harry mumbles against your neck, the tips of his fingers dipping into the waist band of your sleep shorts to rest against the tops of your underwear and with a deep sigh he's fallen back asleep. You spend the rest of the day in bed, safe and hidden behind the black out curtains that shadow your bedroom in semi-darkness no matter the time. The TV is on in the background, a dull noise to keep the silence from becoming overwhelming when one of you is awake while the other sleeps. Harry only ventures out of the bed once to retrieve an overwhelming amount of food he'd ordered the both of you to last through the day. "We have to clean tomorrow," you tell him, leaned back against his chest as you share a carton of Chinese food while eyeing the mess on his night side and Harry rolls his eyes while shoving more rice into his mouth. "You can clean, I'll watch," he says, ducking out of the way of the elbow you try to jab him with. "I'll help," he assures against your neck, licking up the traces of soy sauce he's left behind when he mumbles against your neck while watching the TV. Nothing much gets done the next day though, or the next and the two days you'd allotted for being lazy turns into a week. You don't complain, especially when Harry hardly wears any clothes during your lazy week.

Liam: "What do you want to do today?" You question Liam, leaning back against the kitchen island and watch as Liam eats the breakfast you'd made him. "I literally want to do nothing but lay around," he responds, shoveling another spoon full of eggs into his mouth and you furrow your eyebrows at the mess he's making. "I have things that need to be done today," you respond, taking the plate he hands you and set about cleaning up the small mess you'd made from cooking breakfast for the both of you. "That's fine, you do what you got to do but I just want to be lazy," Liam responds, already heading for the living room and the large plush couch he'd bought with being lazy in mind. "Yeah, no it's fine.... I'll do all the housework," you mumble to yourself, rinsing off the dishes before placing them in the dishwasher. True to his word, Liam remains on the couch while you head out to the grocery store. He's there when you return, there when you emerge from the kitchen after putting everything away and there when you drag the laundry down the stairs. "Liam... could you at least help me lug all your laundry to the laundry room?" You question, standing directly in front of the TV he's been watching since early that morning. "Can you not," Liam questions, leaning to the side to see the TV you're blocking. "Liam James... get off your ass for ten minutes and help me with your fucking laundry," you shout, at your breaking point with his attitude and he sighs in annoyance but does as you ask. "Mother fucker just thinks he can lay around and no sure, I'll do the housework baby. Sexist asshole," you mumble to yourself, angrily shoving his laundry into the washer. "Baby... stop mumbling to yourself and come sit down," Liam yells, leaning over the back of the couch to peer down the hall where you're standing in the doorway of the laundry room. "And who's gonna do the laundry?" You demand, hands on your hips and Liam knows he has only a few short moments to quash your anger and get you to join him in his lazy day before you blow a fuse. "I'll do it tomorrow, I swear. Just leave it there and come be lazy with me, we never get to just lay around," he begs, resting his head on the arm he's got against the back of the couch and pouts. You sigh. His pout is your kryptonite. And he knows it. "You better do the laundry tomorrow or no sex," you threaten, squealing in happiness when Liam tugs you over the couch and into his lap. "I swear it," he sings against your throat, peppering your neck and collar with kisses. He shifts over so he's resting against the corner of the couch with you between his legs, both your legs stretched out onto the over sized ottoman against the couch. "Being lazy with you is much better than being lazy alone," Liam says softly after several moments of comfortable silence. When you don't respond, he glances over your shoulder and smiles. You've fallen asleep. Sometimes, Liam forgets how hard your work at your job and at home and in all honesty, you need more lazy days than he.

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