"I'll Fight For You"

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Niall: Niall: God damnit, he is angry. He's so angry he's shaking. His cheeks are flushed, he can feel the heat pouring off his skin in waves. You didn't look any different with your furious eyes and clenched jaw. "I'm tired of this," you shouted for the tenth time. "You leave and it destroys me every single time. It's like you don't even care, you go and see the world and all these different things and I'm stuck here, waiting for you to come back." He said nothing, looking at you with such intensity it nearly fractured you into pieces. "You think I don't know that? You think I don't see your heart breaking in your eyes when I get on that damn plane? I do. I see it. And it kills me that I can't stay here but I'll fight for you, I'll fight for this. I won't let you go. I'm too selfish." There was nothing to say to that you realized as you leaned your hands against the kitchen table. He was right. Niall would do whatever he could to make you happy. "What if you get tired of fighting?" you whispered, the first signs of insecurity slipping through. He flinched and crossed the small space, his large hand covering yours. "Do you think I could stop?" he whispered, pressing his lips to your wrist. "I'll fight for you until my last breath leaves my body. There will never be a time that I won't fight for you, for us, what we have. It's more than I could have ever hoped for. I swear it."

Harry: He looks so sad, so beaten down as he hangs his head. His hands are loosely clasped together, elbows on his knees as he looks at your clothes on his bedroom floor. He knows that you're hurting just as much, just as deeply as he is. Could you really be packing up to leave today? Had two weeks gone that quickly? He wouldn't see you until he returned home which would be two long months from now. "Penny for your thoughts," you whispered, kneeling on the floor in front of him. He ran his hand down the curve of your cheek as your hands ran up his forearms. "I hate that you're leaving," he muttered. "I hate this distance. I can't even sleep without you next to me, how am I supposed to live the next two months of my life without you next to me?" Sighing, you pressed a kiss to the tattoo on his arm. "We'll get through it, we always do, you know that," you murmured gently. With his curls hanging in his eyes, he very much looked like that child who was left without his favorite dessert. "If you're worried I'll give up on us, on you, I won't. I'll fight for you. I'll fight the distance and the terrible LA traffic to come visit. I'll fight he London rain and the snow and anything else that tries to stop me. Nothing will ever keep me from you." He blinked at you, green eyes filled with disbelief. "You know I'm going to marry you, right?" he murmured, hand cupping your jaw to bring your mouth to his. "I know," you smiled. "I know."

Zayn: There was something to be said for his quiet voice. It was laced with something you couldn't quiet place your finger on. It wasn't anger or irritation. "I'm not giving up," he said thickly, honey eyes on you. "I'll never stop fighting for you." It was then, in the small studio apartment that you owned that was rapidly growing smaller as Zayn grew bigger that you realized what it was in his voice: determination. "I spent my whole life waiting for you. I spent my entire life dreaming of what it would be like to meet my soul mate and fall in love and now that I've got you..." he trailed off, hands plowing through that inky black hair. "Now that you've got me?" you asked thickly, heart rapidly pounding in your chest. "Now that I've got you I can't ever be parted from you. If that means I have to take a red-eye home for even twelve hours, I will. Don't you get it by now? I will do anything for you." On a choked laugh, you pressed your hands to your face. "Zayn," you said softly, "please don't say it if you don't mean it." He pulled your hands away from your eyes and tilted your chin up, forcing you to meet his eyes. "Tell me I don't mean it," he huffed, eyes blazing. "Look at me and tell me I don't mean it." There was an undeniable truth in his eyes that radiated outwards and settled deep inside your chest. "I mean it with my whole heart," he whispered, pressing his forehead to yours.

Liam: The taxi bumped over another hole in the road and Liam's body moved with the motion. Two planes, one taxi ride and he was only minutes from you. It'd only been a little over two weeks since he'd seen you, but your parting had not been sweet. You were furious with him and his lack of effort in your relationship. He had become in remiss in his duties of being a good boyfriend. It was easy to get caught up in the rush of touring and his world that time passed too quickly and before he realized it, he had missed his plans to come home to you which had resulted in a near break up. When your street came into view, his car door was open before the car even fully stopped. As he laid in bed two days ago, staring at his ceiling, he knew what he had to do. He grabbed his bag and paid the driver, making quick work of the drive way and your front porch. He let himself in, your key dangling next to his. "Babe," he called, stepping into the living room. "Where are you?" When you appeared at the top of the steps, eyes red and puffy, Liam dropped his bag. "What're you doing here?" you asked, slowly moving down the stairs. He met you half way and had his mouth pressed to yours before you could stop him. "I'm fighting. I'm fighting for you, for us. I can't let you go. I'm so sorry, for everything. You were the best decision I ever made and I'm sorry it took me this long to get here. But if you let me, I'll fight. I'll fight for us."

Louis: He was so damn stubborn with that clenched jaw and his hard blue eyes. Louis didn't budge if he didn't want to. And right now, this was one of those times. "I'm not giving up," you insisted, hands planted firmly on the counter top. "I'm not going to let you push me away. I know you're scared and you've been hurt, but I'm not going to be the one who disappoints you or walks away from you." He said nothing regarding your passionate speech. He continued to stare at you impassively, hand rubbing over the stubble on his jaw. You glared at him, voice breaking and rising as you continued. "I'll fight for you, Louis. I'm not going to stop. We both know that what we have is worth it but you have to let me in." His silence was deafening and you began to deflate. "Do you not want this?" you squeaked, teary eyes meeting his. He seemed to unfreeze then, come to life in the most vibrant way. He moved through the small space, lifting you onto the counter and pressing his fevered lips to yours. "Of course I want you," he murmured between kisses. "I've never wanted anything the way I want you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm such a pain in the ass. I just couldn't believe that you'd fight for me, that you'd want this as much as I did." He continued to kiss you breathless, his hands tangled in your hair. "Christ, I love you so much I think it'll kill me."

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