Cozy Morings

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Niall: Wrapped up in his sweater with the sleeves pulled down over your hands, Niall smiled at you. The world was turning cold once again, fall picking up in the breeze and painting the trees. The windows were open, the crisp breeze swirling around you both and he snuggled back down under the covers. "You look pretty cute," he smiled. "I also kind of want you to wear my sweaters every day." You laughed, pulling the sweater down further over your hands. "It keeps me warm," you agreed, legs tangling in his udner the covers. A cloud slipped over his face as his hand curled around your waist. "It's my job to keep you warm," he disagreed, bringing you into the shell of his chest. His hand slipped up the back of the sweater, his hand pressing to the skin of your back. "I take my job very seriously," he whispered, his breath kissing your lips. The early morning sun slanted through the room, turning his blue eyes even brighter. "In fact," he said huskily, his lips pressing to the corner of your mouth, "I'm ready to dedicate my entire day to it, I want to be extremely thorough."

Harry: "Don't spill," he warned as he passed you the small, white teacup. "Yes, sir," you rolled your eyes at him. He glared at you, a warning on his lips for you to stop being a smart ass but it died down as you curled your hands around the small mug. You looked impossibly warm and small in the center of his large bed, his jumper over your shoulders. The small, rose painted cup pressed against your lips and you sighed. Somehow, Harry had managed to take tea and turn it in to a fine piece of art with just the right amount of milk and sugar. "Good?" he asked with a small smile. He settled back against his pillow and tapped his chest, an invitation for you to slide closer. "Yes," you answered, snuggling into his chest. It was early yet, almost 7 a.m. Neither of you had to be at work for another two hours but your early, cozy mornings together were what got you both through your days. Lightly, he pressed his lips to your temple. "This is my favorite part of the day," he whispered against your hair. "I get you to myself, I get to wake up to you and listen to you laugh. Nothing is better than this."

Zayn: Rain pelted the windows in angry waves and thunder rocketed the sky, the windows shaking under the force. He groaned, heavy lids barely opening in the darkened room. "You aren't leaving bed today," he murmured, hands sliding towards your body. Barely conscious, you managed a small smile. "Is that right?" you asked, trying to keep the smile off your face. He nodded, hair scratching over the pillow. "Yes, because I won't let you leave. I want to spend the entire day like this with you. I want to hold you," he whispered into your ear, voice still heavy with sleep. Gently, he pressed his lips to your neck. He was so warm, you wiggled back into his chest, pulling his hands over your hips. "I don't have work today, you're lucky." He chuckled, a deep rumble in his chest. "Even if you did, I wouldn't let you go. We're going to stay here all day and I'm going to kiss every single inch of you, I promise you that." You shivered as his promise hung in the air. He pressed his lips to the curve of your shoulder, following the curve that led to your neck. "I'm not ever going to let you go," he murmured once more, before his lips descended to your skin.

Liam: Liam awoke when the rest of the world was asleep; and that included you. Gently, he lifted his head from his pillow and gazed down at you. Your small hand was fisted in his shirt, your soft breaths coating his chest. Your small legs were tangled in his and he smiled, dropping his head back to the pillow. Thanks to his blackout shades, the room was still in darkness. The clock beside his bed read a little after 7 a.m. and Liam had another hour to lay here with you. Lightly, he ran his finger up the length of your arm, marveling at the soft feel of your skin. He traced your lower lip next, his breath becoming faint as he thought about all the things that mouth could do. "Who told you to stop?" you murmured, lazy eyes fluttering open. He smiled, wrapping you up into his chest and nuzzling his nose against yours. "Good morning, my love," he whispered, peppering soft kisses along your cheeks. "Morning," you whispered, eyes closing again. He continued his soft kisses, hands tracing your back. "I love waking up to you," he murmured, "Love holding you, love kissing you. Love you," he said kissing your sweet lips. "Love you more than anything."

Louis: "Wake up," he hissed, giving your body a gentle shake. "Louis, it's like 5 a.m., leave me alone," you grumbled, rolling away from him. "It's 5:30, if we're going to be correct about it. But you have to wake up. I have a surprise!" He nudged you once more and pulled you up into a sitting position, his lips pressing against yours in a quick, hard kiss. "Fine." You stumbled from bed and grabbed his jumper, tugging it on and following him outside. He'd draped a blanket over his arm and took your hand, leading you down to the beach. It was empty, no one else was brave enough to rise as early as the two of you. He laid one blanket down and sat, tugging you to sit between his legs. He draped his spare one over top of you both, his cheek pressed against yours. "I want to watch the world wake up with you," he whispered, lips ghosting around your jaw. Letting out a massive yawn, you snuggled deeper into his chest. "Hmmm," you murmured, hands linking with his under the blanket. When the sun touched the sky, illuminating the darkness into soft pinks and blues, you smiled. "Beautiful," you whispered. He grinned, giving you a squeeze. "Not as beautiful as you."

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