The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face

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Harry: You squeeze past the exhausted man, you can only assume works downtown New York and stumble out into the platform at Washing Square. It is still early and you have the whole day to work on the outline for your Early Modern History paper at the library on NYU's campus. There's no harm in taking a little extra time at your favorite hidden gem in the city, Cafe Minerva. It's not quite a mile from NYU and not quite a mile is always walkable. You push the glass door open and offer a friendly greeting to the woman leaving beige making your way to the counter. There aren't many people in the cafe, which isn't out of the ordinary for this hour. There is a boy at the corner table, hunched over a book in his table but aside from him, the place is practically yours. By the time you pull out your wallet, the older woman behind the counter had your coffee ready and has already placed your breakfast order with the cook. With a smile, you hand over more than enough money and encourage her to keep the change. "Honey, you're in college... you keep the change," she tries to tell you, as she does every morning. "Cathy, my dad is... well, you know who my dad is, money isn't an issue for this college girl," you remind her with a smile, pushing your still snap hair off your forehead before turning towards the empty cafe. "I'll just park it over here," you tell Cathy, but judging by the way the boy glances up from his book, you know you've said it entirely too loud. "Sorry," you tel him with a faux grimace and slid into a seat a few tables down from him. He's vaguely familiar to you but you annoyingly find you cannot place his face, no matter how hard you try. "You shouldn't leave with your hair so damp, you'll catch a cold in this weather," Cathy chides, setting your plate of eggs and bacon in front of you and you give her a sheepish smile. "Sorry," you mumble, sweeping the damp locks up into a top knot and she rolls her eyes but you know it's out of love. You've been coming here for years and Cathy has watched you go from awkward adolescent to a beautiful young woman. "So, who's your dad?" You hear, the chair on the other side of the table squeaking against the hardwood floors and you glance up with a mouthful of eggs. The boy, more like young man now that you see him up close, is taking a seat and resting his forearms on top of the table while awaiting your answer. "You said 'you know who my dad is' so I assume he's important," he adds with a friendly grin, leaning back in his seat and sets his left arm against the top of the seat next to him. "Uh, hi... my dad is non of your business, first off. And, yes, I think he's rather important," you retort with a glare but the guy just shrugs. "Just making conversation with the pretty bird," he says, glancing to his right. "He's a senator in the U.S. Senate," you finally answer. "See, told you he was important," he grinned and you tilted your head to the side slightly while raising your eyebrows but eventually broke out into a chuckle. "I'm Harry," he offers, reaching across the table to shake you hand and it's at the moment you realists who he is. Harry Styles is sitting across from you. "Yeah, that Harry," he adds, glancing down at his hands and you let out a sigh heifer setting your hand in his and shake. "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N," you return, squeezing his hand and he gives you a warm smile. "What are you studying?" He questions, nodding to the grey sweater with NYU stamped across the chest. "History... European History to be specific," you say with a bright smile. "Must be smart then," Harry grins, leaning back in his seat and you nod. glancing down, you notice a well read version of Dorian Grey in front of him and you raise your eyebrows with a knowing smile before glancing up at your companion. "I like to read, it keeps me sane," Harry offers simple, glancing down to the watch adorning his wrist before he curses. "I'm supposed to take my mom shopping like, thirty minutes ago," he complains, standing quickly to shrug on his black wool coat. He glances around, looking for something he cannot locate and you use that time to stand as well and put on your own wool coat. "Can I walk you out?" He questions, watching as you wrap a thick cable knit scarf around your neck and you mod with a small smile. You heft your Michael Kora bag over your shoulder and allow him to lead you towards the front door. "Bye Cathy, I'll see you tomorrow morning, " you call over your shoulder leaning around Harry's tall frame to blow her a kiss before stepping out into the cold New York winter air. "At least your hairs dried a bit, yeah?" Harry asks, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and you nod. "You know how to get back to your hotel?" You question, prolonging the inevitable goodbye and Harry shrugs, "I'm sure it'd be sound better if you told me," Harry says with a cheeky smile, rocking back in his feet to stand at his full height and you roll your eyes playfully at his words. "in strong at Park Central Hotel," he tells you and of course he's staying there you think. Get off at 57th street and the hotel is literally on top of the subway station," you say and he nods. "It was nice to meet you, maybe I'll see you again," Harry says with a sincere smile beiges he steps around you and turns hurries down the street toward the subway station. With his departure, you allow a few minutes to ponder on the fact that you just met Harry Styles and he kind-of-sort-of flirted with you before continuing on your way towards campus.

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