Beach Days

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Niall: Immediately, he dropped his stuff by your feet and grabs you around the waist. The sand is warm under your feet and the sun has already set to work on kissing each inch of your skin. "What are you doing?" You asked as Niall tugs you down to the ocean. He smiled, his dark sunglasses covering those sky blue eyes. "We're going to swim, baby." You protested, the water is still a bit cold and you aren't warm enough to swim yet. "I'm not hot enough yet." Even though you can't see his eyes, you know they're blazing. "Oh really?" he murmurs, "You look plenty hot to me." His eyes ran the length of your body and you shivered.. He picked you up, carrying you through the waves as you screamed and he just laughed, dumping you into an on coming wave. When you resurfaced, hair dripping in your eyes, his laugh in the loudest sound on the beach. Before you can stalk away from him, he wraps his arms around your waist, your wet chests pressing together. "You're like my little mermaid," he said kissing your nose fondly. "Washed up right in me arms. There's no way I'm ever letting you go."

Harry: He's more than content to lay by your side and trace the freckles that seem to appear on your skin by the second. "Want to take a walk with me?" he finally asks, his voice lazy and deep. You nod, and he pulls you to your feet and you move down into the surf. The waves brush your legs and Harry takes your hand, his long fingers wrapping around yours. "See any shells?" he asks, his own head turned to the ground. "No, not yet." His thumb unconsciously moves over yours and you can't help but smile. "Hey, look at this." You stop and pick up a perfect white pebble that has the smallest little hole at the top. Harry cups his large hands under yours as he looks at the stone. "I read in a book once that if you find a stone with a hole, wear it around your neck and it'll keep you safe." you reached around the back of his neck and undid his necklace, sliding your little pebble on. "To keep you safe," you smile at him. Gently, he places his lips to yours. "I have you," he whispers, tucking you under his arm, "I don't need anything else than that." But he placed his little pebble over his heart, content to have another piece of you with him.

Zayn: He's not normally a big picture taker, but today he can't seem to stop. He doesn't know why and he doesn't really care, but his face has been behind a lens all day. He would have drawn you, but you never seemed to stay still. Instead, he watched you run down to the water, the sunset over powering as it dropped below the horizon. But somehow, against such a vast skyline, you were still the only thing Zayn saw. So he lifted the camera and captured the moment of you, face tilted to the sun, arms in the air and a smile on your face. "You look happy," he commented as he stopped beside you his feet away from the waves. "I'm in my favorite place with my favorite person," you sighed happily. He grinned. "I know this night scare you and I'm sorry but I have to tell you something. I think I want to marry you here." When you said nothing, he continued. "I want to marry you with the wind in your hair, sand under your feet and your back to the ocean. You're alive here, and I want that joy for the rest if my life. So what do you say, wanna marry me on the beach?"

Liam: He had never promised to be a saint. And he didn't remember promising to behave. So really, he wasn't held responsible for the ache that spread in his chest when you wiggled your bikini clad body down on his lap for some sunscreen. "Baby, you look so good," he said breathlessly, his eyes moving down your skin, his fingers following the curve of your hips. The beach was almost empty, a few straggles lingering behind. The sun was setting, and most families left for dinner by now. "Liam, behave," you flushed as you felt his lips trace the curve of your shoulder. "Can't," he said against your skin. "You look and feel too good." His hands gripped your hips, the sunscreen bottle forgotten down on the sand as he kissed his way across your back. His fingers pulled at your bathing suit ties and you gasped. "Liam!" He chuckled, tongue pressing to the skin he had just bared. "I know, I know, I'll behave." He retied the knot and sat back. "I can't help it, you little siren. You know that I can't resist you. I think you've put me under your spell," he said softly. "And I never want to be freed."

Louis: He has the most energy and the most stuff to bring to the beach. So when he asked you to go for the day, you knew it was going to be an all day affair. "Listen," he said, setting up your chair, "We have the perfect place to build a sand castle, so let's do it." He wasted no time busting out the shovels and pails, a mega watt smile on his face. "Alright," you agree and his face lights up further. In no time, your both covered in sand and sticky from sweat, but Louis doesn't seem to mind. "After this, we can go rinse off in the ocean and make out," he whispers, making you laugh. "Sounds good to me," you nudge him. Your castle was almost done when Louis say back on his heels. "We're gunna live in one day," he said thoughtfully. "A sand castle?" you asked with a raise of your brow. "No, silly girl," he tweaked your nose playfully. "You and I are gunna design our house from the ground up and we're going to grow old in it and we're going to have kids and grand kids and that's going to be our home." He never broke eye contact as you said it and he smiled, placing a sea shell on top of your shared creation. "I want to build a life with you."

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