Truth Or Dare

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Niall: He rolled his beer around in his palms, dark eyes on you as he debated. Would you answer truth, or would you dare to divulge your deepest secrets your own eyes were glazed over, a sure sign of the few beers that were in your system. "I'm going to go with dare," you finally said. He leaned back against the wall of your bedroom, knee drawn up and wrist casually resting across it. "Alright, give me your worst," you said bravely. He grinned at you, lips quirking up at the corners. "I dare you to tell me what you thought of me the first time we met?" You weren't expecting that question form him and you blinked in bewilderment. "I mean, I thought you were nice-" he shook his head and cut you off. "No, I mean, what you thought of me," he placed his hand on his chest for emphasis. "Oh," you breathed. In truth, the first time you saw Niall, you were blown away by him. "I, uhm, I thought the freckles on your jaw were sort of sexy," you role off and fiddled with the plastic wrap around your beer. "And your eyes, they were like, really blue and I liked your hands." He grinned, draining his bottle in a few long sips. "Hands, huh? what specifically about them?" He slid closer until his knees pressed into yours. His hands gently rested on top of your thighs and you sucked in a desperate gulp of air. "I thought about what they would look like, on me," you squeaked out, cheeks heating furiously. With a wolfish grin, he tugged you into his lap. "Want to find out?"

Harry: "Look, I'm shit as this game," he said on a petulant sigh, massive hands plowing through his messy curls. "Come on, it'll be fun!" You pleaded, tugging him to sit down beside you. It seemed, that Harry didn't k ow the word "no" when it came to you. "Okay, but only for a little bit, he amended when he saw excitement bloom over your features. You grinned, triumphant for the moment. You did have ulterior motives. Harry had been looking at you strangely all night, his glaze falling to your lips across the bonfire flames and now, you were going to get some answers. "I'll go first," he said, sitting back. "Truth or Dare?" Immediately you answered "Dare." He smiled. Somehow he knew you'd be the brave one. "I dare you," he said slowly, "To do a shot of tequila with me." you modded, marching to the small bar outback and fixing two shots and bringing them back over. With a quick clink of your glasses, you down the amber liquid. "Truth or Dare?" You said, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "Dare," he said bravely "I dare you to tell me why you've been staring at my mouth all nigh." He blinked in confusion, his lower lip open the slightest bit. "Because I've been thinking about what it'd be like to kiss you," he whispered, thumb ghosting along your mouth. "So do it," you breathed, leaning into his touch. He half smiled and dipped his head, letting his lips barley brush yours. "I can tell you now that I won't survive you," he mumbled, fingers sliding into your hair. "I won't. "

Liam: He's too damn brazen, too damn confident. When someone drunkenly suggested that you alll should play truth or dare, Liam was the first to spring up from his seat, grab another drink and join in. You laughed at him, your best friend was something else when he was drunk. He gave you a sloppy wink across the circle you found yourself blushing, you shook your head. The longer you looked at him, the more he seemed to grow under your gaze. His shoulders seemed larger, his eyes darker. Had his lower lip always been so full? And why did those tattoos on his arms suddenly look sexy all of the sudden? This was Liam, your best friend. "Liam, Liam your turn!" someone yelled at him. He grinned and ran his tongue along his lip. "I pick dare," he winked at you again. "Stop winking at me," you muttered. "I've got it!" the boy who dare Liam cried. "You two, go get rid of this tension!" he gestured between you and Liam and your mouth fell open. Liam grinned and pulled you to your feet and into the next room. When he kicked the door shut, you felt so small before him. "How did he suggest we do that?" you whispered, toe digging into the carpet. "I've an idea," he said huskily, backing you into the door and letting his lips glide up your neck. "In fact, I have several," his teeth nibbled your earlobe. "Are you interested?"

Zayn: "It's just to help get you to open up, is all. Sometimes you're like a little clam," you tweaked Zayn's cheek fondly and he glared at you. He was not a clam. He just wasn't always good at saying what he felt, especially when it came to you. But you were looking at him with those huge puppy dog eyes and truth or dare couldn't be that bad, could it? "Fine, fine," he finally relented. With a whoop of joy, you tugged him down onto his mattress and Zayn found it hard to breathe. "I'll ask first," he said. "Truth or dare?" He debated for a moment. There was an array of things he could ask you, so many things he wanted to know. "Truth," you finally answered. He ran his tongue along his teeth and said, "I want to know why you look so sad sometimes," he said quietly. "It tears me up, you just seem so lost." You sighed, glancing at him quickly. "I don't know. Sometimes I'm afraid that no one will ever love me. I know I'm young yet but no one has before, and what if no one ever does?" He stared at his ceiling, careful to keep his breathing normal. How could someone not love you? How could he not? "I dare you to ask me how I feel about you," he finally murmured, rolling to his side to face you. "Do it." Your face heated and you murmured his question back to him with terrified eyes. "I think I've loved you from the first day I met you, so you don't have to worry about anyone never falling in love with you. You've had me from the first moment I saw you."

Louis: What secrets did he have to hide? He was a damn open book. If he thought it, it was passing his lips (and that had gotten him in trouble more than once). "It's harmless fun," he insisted when he brought up truth or dare. "Hmm, maybe for a bit," you finally said. Louis grinned and tugged you down onto the couch in his living room. "You seem nervous," he grinned. "Because I am. I don't know what I'm getting myself into." He debated for a moment, running his finger across his lips. "I have only one question for you. It doesn't matter if it's truth or dare, the question will work for either." You shrugged and settled back into the couch. "Why are you so afraid to let me in?" he murmured, sad eyes on yours. You froze, hands clutching onto the pillow beside you. "Because people don't seem to stay with me," you finally whispered. "They seem to change their minds and disappear before I can grasp what's happened. And so I just, I don't know, try to keep everyone at an arms length." Louis didn't know what answer he was expecting, but it wasn't that. "I'll never-" You shook your head, cutting him off. "You can't promise me that you'll never leave. You don't know what'll happen." He scooted towards you, taking both of your hands in his. "I can promise that because I know that I couldn't ever leave you. I couldn't, you've changed everything for me," he ducked his head to meet your eyes. "I won't go anywhere. I promise."

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