"You're the only one"

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Niall: The radio was on low in the back ground as the night breeze swept through the open windows of his car. The silence hung between you both heavily, waiting to be broken. "You're the only one I can talk to like this," you confessed, nervous fingers lacing and unlacing. He shot you a look out of the corner of his eye, he stare lingering a little bit too long for comfort. "It's weird because that's never happened," you blurted. "I can say anything I want, be anything I want and you're okay with it." He smiled despite himself. "That's because I'm your best friend," he reminded you gently. "And I love you for all that you are. Good mood, and mood, crazy mood. I mean, it's the same for me. I've never been like this with anyone and sometimes I think I'm going to marry you." The confession was out before he could stop himself, but it didn't make it any less true. Swallowing the lump in his throat and and mustering up his courage, he said, "sometimes I think you're the only one for me. Like you're the only one I want to talk to at the end of the day and the only one I want to be around constantly. Is that crazy?" he asked nervously. "No," you said softly. In a moment of bravery, you took his hand. "It's not crazy at all."

Harry: He was pacing back and forth in front of his mirror, trying to find the right words to say. He raked a frustrated hand through his hair, muttering a curse under his breath. "Alright. So she walks in and I go: babe, you're the only one for me. I want to spend my life with you-" he broke off in frustration. "No, no, that's not right." He squared his shoulders and stared at himself hard in the mirror. His lips were pinched at the corners with stress. He didn't want to mess up this proposal, he wanted it to be perfect. You deserved the best. God, he was nervous. His hands were shaking and you were going to be here any second. "Let's go Harry, get it together," he chided himself. "I love you," he said confidently. "You're the only one for me and I knew it the first minute I saw you. Marry me." He smiled to himself. That was perfect. "You're so adorable," you said from the doorframe. The color drained from his face as he turned around. "You're early and you weren't meant to hear that!" He pointed an accusatory finger at you, but his heart was racing inside his chest. "You're so cute babe, you're so cute." You were beaming from ear to ear as you gave him an enthusiastic nod. "Of course. Of course I'll marry you."

Zayn: His son was looking at him very seriously, the same caramel brown eyes blinking up at him. "Dad, you're the only one who gets it," he said stubbornly. "Mom doesn't." Zayn rubbed his fingers across his lips as he stared at his four year old son. He was clad in his Star Wars pajamas and had a stuffed bear under his arm. "If I don't watch Power Rangers tonight I can't talk to my friends about it tomorrow at school and they always talk about it and when mom makes me go to bed I miss everything," he pleaded. Zayn felt his resolve cracking under the doe eyed stare. "I don't know," he said slowly. It was already late enough for him and getting him out of bed in the morning would be painful. "Dad, please. You can watch it with me." That did Zayn in. He couldn't resist his son. They settled onto the couch tomorrow just as you walked into the room. "Boys?" You raised an eyebrow at them. "Ten more minutes mom," your son pleaded. "It's almost over!" Your eyes met Zayn and he spread his hands in that, "what can you do" gesture and smiled. You knew what it meant. You were both hopelessly in love with the small boy with caramel eyes like his father.

Liam: You weren't meant to eavesdrop, it just sort of happened. You heard him speaking in low tones to his mom and you froze, tilting your head to the side to better hear their conversation. You didn't have to see his face to know that he was smiling from ear to ear. "I don't know how to explain it," he murmured, "but it was like the first time I saw her I just knew that she was going to be the only one. Is that crazy?" You weren't sure what gestures passed between the two, but his mom spoke up and said, "that's how your grandparents were. Grand pop knew from day one that he was going to marry nana." You smiled, pressing your hand to your chest. Liam never had any problem expressing how he felt about you, but to hear him talk to his mom like that about you was beyond belief. "You can stop eavesdropping, you know," he called over his shoulder. You flushed and stepped into the room, meekly waving your hand in the air. "Sorry," you apologized, eyes to the floor. Liam pushed up from his seat and opened his arms to you, enveloping you into his chest. "Don't be baby, you know I have no problem telling you that you're my one and only," he pressed soft kisses to your temple, the smile on his face nearly uncontrollable, "Forever."

Louis: He was looking at you across the table like he'd never seen you before. Had you always been that pretty? Had you always been right in front of him this whole entire time? He watched you talk to his sister with such energy he couldn't stop the smile that came across his face. You met his eyes across the table and gave him a confused look. He pointed over his shoulder to the next room and you followed his lead. "What's wrong?" you asked, stepping into the dark room. When his mouth touched yours, you jerked back, fingers pressed against your lips. "What was that?" you gasped. "I think I've been in love with you for most of my life," he said pushing his fingers into your hair. "And I don't think I've realized it until just now, watching you laugh like my family like you've been here the whole time." He pressed his lips to your cheeks, your forehead and the corners of your mouth. "I think you've been the only one for me this entire time and I've been too stupid to realize it. You're the only one. It's always been you. It's always been you. It'll always be you." You stood motionless, staring at him much in the same way he had been looking at you. "It took you long enough," you teased. With a whoop of laugher, he pressed his mouth to yours.

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