8 🍋 Kakashi

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(art from @tuukaieburide_ on twitter)

This chapter is a mess, sorry in advance :)

I had been watching (Y/n) for some time, hoping things would change at least a little bit. But they didn't, and she continued to ignore me, even more bothered than before.

One night, past midnight, I saw her leaving the center of Konoha towards the forest where the training grounds were. I decided to follow her because I was worried about her. As I said, it was late at night and even if she was a capable shinobi I would always still worry about her. But I'll admit, I also followed her because I was worried about what could be the reason for her to go to such a secluded place at this time. Was she meeting someone? It was the only thing I could think of. 'She wouldn't do anything without breaking up things with me. She wouldn't', right? I wanted to believe she wouldn't do that, especially to me. But I also couldn't help myself but follow her. 

I caught up to her and saw her stretching and training heavily. I felt slightly bad for having thought she could do that, even if we weren't anything serious. But c'mon, things weren't going well for us and we hadn't talked for a while. Who wouldn't have thought about the possibility? So yes, although I felt bad for having thought that way, I also felt extremely relieved when I saw she was just training. 

I stayed there, watching for a little more. And when I caught a glimpse of her upset expression I frowned as well. Was she training because she was mad? Still mad with me? It once again made me feel bad, so I decided to leave my hiding spot. 

"Care if I join you?" I said, making myself known. She was giving me her back, stretching her arms some more, but she didn't make any movement or gesture to have heard me. 

"I do," she said though, with a cold tone that made me sweat-drop at her negative. 

"C'mon, it's been a while since we sparred together?" I tried again, approaching her. 

"I don't want to train with you," she spoke her words as if they were daggers right to my heart "and you know why" she added, this time lower, but it still made those daggers dig deeper into my heart. 

"It's been some time since then... And two is better than one alone" but she ignored me, still giving me her back "C'mon, let's spar together" I asked, my voice soft but still hopeful and optimistic. 

"No" she hesitated for a second. It made me think she was close to giving in, so I approached her more.

"Please...?" I said with a slightly childish tone hoping it would end up convincing her. But she remained there, standing still, arms crossed, and back to me without uttering a single word. 

I pursed my lips together, slightly disheartened but not ready to give up. I reached my hand to her and decided that maybe if I started it she would fight with me. If she was angry at me, it might be good for her to take it out on me on a spar. It might be what we needed to cool off. 

(I might or might have not got this advice from Gai) 

So I reached my hand to her, about to make a technique to her thinking she would step to the side and dodge me. Or not, or defend herself. But she didn't, and I realized I had fucked up again when it was too late to pull back. She fell to the floor on her butt with a thump, her brows knitting together even more, and if she hated me before she now must have despised me. She looked up at me, appalled.

"I-I'm sorry, I thought you would dodge..." I apologized, dying inside, stuttering, and my whole face turning red in embarrassment. 

I gave my hand to her, to help her up. But she didn't grab it for a long minute, instead, she just kept looking at me with hateful eyes. I rubbed the back of my head with my other hand, sweatdropping with an idiotic smile. But in the end, her hand grabbed mine, although not so that I could help her. Before I could pull her with me she pushed me down with her, locking her leg with one of mine and turning us around. My head and back hit the cold mud, making me let go of a groan that was cut off when (Y/n)'s arm was strongly pushed against my throat, almost choking me. 

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