11 🍋

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present time

Golden rays of the sun were starting to get through Kakashi's bedroom, flooding his room with warmth as the day slowly started. Light and mellow bird melodies were beginning to be heard and the rising sun painted the sky and clouds in beautiful shades of orange and purple. But as stunning as that sight might have been, Kakashi's eyes and full attention easily preferred the lovely sight of her. 

He laid on his bed, on his side and elbow while he held his head with his palm, close to her. And (Y/n), who continued to sleep, laid placidly by his side. She wore one of Kakashi's shirts that he had lent to her after yesterday's adult activities so that she didn't get cold during the night. But now, after cuddling together all night, and tossing and turning, his baggy shirt was rolled up here and there showing more of her body like her hips or her chest. But that wasn't where Kakashi's eyes were fixed on.

Instead, his eyes laid on her lashes, her closed lids, and slightly parted lips that let go of soft breaths. A sign that showed her sleepy state, and a sign that calmed Kakashi like he rarely was. Her chest, going up and down in a steady and smooth movement, and her calm expression and hair messily scattered over his pillow... The sight of her warmed his heart more than any dawn could. 

His expression was serene, although the way his eyes looked at her carried a shadow of gloom. He slowly raised the hand that didn't support his head, and even more delicately he approached it to her cheek. He didn't want to wake her up, but he couldn't help the urge of caressing her. The tips of his fingers ran a ginger caress through her cheekbone, getting a few of her (h/c) hair strands out of her face, and then he kept his hand there where his thumb would continue to lovingly stroke her cheek.

At that moment his head was almost empty, without a single thought. Or well, only one actually, and that was how madly in love he was. He still wasn't sure whether she still hated him or not. He didn't know what would happen in the future with them, and as much as the thought of losing her again scared him, he preferred to enjoy this moment. To cherish and savor the fact that she had finally chosen to stay with him for a night, and that, at least, was a start. 

So with that being said, his mind had but one thought. At least until her lids slowly fluttered open, then his mind started rushing the usual unhealthy amount of thoughts. Kakashi flushed red when he was caught staring right at her from up close, and his caressing hand froze over the side of her head in place.

"What?" (Y/n)'s sleepy voice asked while she closed her lids again and barely tossed, not moving away from Kakashi's loving embrace. He didn't answer for a short while, too nervous, and too enamored by her adorable and entrancing voice and sleepy state. 

"Nothing, I just like looking at you" he answered honestly almost in a whisper. There was no need to be any louder. (Y/n)'s lids opened again and her eyes fell on his face as charmed with him as he was with her. But her lips, unlike his, turned into the most subtle of smiles. 

"Pervert," she said, closing her eyes again. Her smile got less imperceptible and her hand snaked out from in between the warmth of their bodies to quietly lay on Kakashi's neck. 

Her touch made Kakashi's hairs stand, and he found himself caressing her again and pushing her closer to him as an unconscious answer. She opened her eyes again to look right into his, and while his cheeks flushed red she tenderly pushed his head closer to her until he ended up completely buried in her chest and embrace. She hugged her by his head, burying her fingers in his silky silver hair which made goosebumps run across his wide back. His arms enveloped her by her waist and hips, hugging her completely. 

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