Over The Edge - Nayeon

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It was the restraints that woke you up. You raised your head and looked around, your arms incessantly tugging on the cuffs that wrapped around your wrist and bound you to the bed's headboard. You were naked and spread out and for a moment, you groaned at how open and debauched you might look. You looked around the empty bedroom in search of your girlfriend. "Nayeon?"

"I'm here, baby." You watched Nayeon emerge from the bathroom, wearing nothing but her crimson silk robe untied around the waist to allow you the gorgeous view of her tummy and the swells of her breasts. "Like the cuffs?"

You shook your head. "This isn't fair."

Nayeon rolled her eyes and sank into the bed, between your spread legs. "Yes, it is. Remember three weeks ago? You tied me up just... like... this..." She smirked and traced the veins of your half-erect cock with her fingertip. It twitched and you barely managed to catch your breath. The idol's nails raked along your thighs, and it only made your dick spasm harder. Nayeon's nails moved higher, dragging along your sides. In no time at all, your cock was hard and teetering, leaking beads of precum along your lower stomach.

At this, Nayeon raised her brow. "You like that." She stated. "You love being tied up and you want me having my way with you. Well then, Y/N." Nayeon cupped your testicles, and you gasped, your back arching an inch off the bed, but it was enough for Nayeon to feel the rush of power that came whenever she took charge. She flattened herself on the bed and spread your legs further.

"Babe, what-shit!" Your eyes shot open at the first touch of Nayeon's warm and moist lips on your sensitive balls. You squirmed and tried not to look between your legs. Except that you did, and the sight of Nayeon, her face buried against your balls, made your cock throb and pulse out another string of precum. You whimpered and dug your nails into your palms. "Jesus-fuck... your mouth... I... I don't-"

Nayeon swirled her tongue along the tender sacs, making them damp with her saliva. She pulled back and blew gently, smirking as it made your entire body tremble. Nayeon kept your legs apart and suckled on one of your balls, her lips firm around the shape of it. Her tongue bathed the soft skin and soon, she attempted to fit both of your balls in her mouth.

"God!" You arched into a taut bow, your cock thicker and harder than it's ever been. "Babe, y-you know how s-s-sensitive my balls are..." You whined. You glanced down and saw the sheen of precum coating the tip of your cock and your lower abdomen. This sight, accompanied by Nayeon's face nuzzled against your balls, was enough to send you to the edge. "Oh god, baby... I'm—"

But Nayeon didn't allow you to finish your statement. She pulled back with a slick pop and licked her lips, spit along her chin which she wiped away. "No coming. Not until I let you."

You gaped at Nayeon and yanked at your cuffs. "But babe-!"

"Nope. So, hush your mouth and keep still." There was a delightfully dark tone in Nayeon's voice that made your cock throb harder, and more insistently. You groaned and stared at the ceiling, your nearness to orgasm ebbing away. But as soon as it lessened, Nayeon's hand was around your shaft, pumping your length in firm, slow strokes. You sputtered and squeezed your eyes shut, but it couldn't be helped. Nayeon's mouth was back on your balls, sucking hard with slick, slurping noises that drove you crazy, and unbearably close to coming. It was as if Nayeon sensed it, and she immediately pulled away.

"No!" You sobbed, your entire body flush with sweat, your chest heaving as you breathed raggedly. "Please, Nayeon... I'm so close!"

"I don't want you to cum." Nayeon smirked and kept her hand on the base of your cock. "Do I have to put a cock ring on you, or are you going to be a good boy?"

You swallowed hard, your cock pulsing unbearably hard. You could feel your cum in your balls, begging to be released, your body tingling, her every movement and every touch could be felt ten times over. "I'll be good."

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