Keep Me Warm - Nayeon

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The sweet hum of the coffee machine lulls you back to your sleepy stupor, the cool winter morning creeping along up your spine. The crisp and heady aroma of your brewing coffee is enough for you to be hypnotized. You pour out the coffee in two cups, stir in liquid creamer and a bit of sugar, before leaning against the counter and taking the first sip of the day. You throw a couple of croissants into the toaster oven without moving your feet, grunting as you shove the
toaster oven's door shut. You grin down at Nayeon, who is on her knees, mouth stuffed with cock.

You cup Nayeon's cheek and graze your thumb along her jaw, your nostrils flaring as Nayeon's throat tightens around your cock. "Jesus..." You groan, your fingertips touching Nayeon's cheek as the head of your shaft reshapes her mouth. "D-don't suck too hard, Nayeon. I just want to feel your warm mouth for a while."

The brunette nods and remains kneeling down before you, breathing through her nose, as you smear cream cheese on one croissant, and Nutella on the other with a shaky hand. Your cock is stiff and beyond hard, and every time you glance down to see Nayeon's lips wrapped around the base of your cock, your thick meat twitches.

You ease your dick out of Nayeon's mouth, appreciating the slippery noise that comes from Nayeon as she licks her lips clean. "Breakfast's ready." You say with a grin, helping Nayeon stand up before sliding behind her, heavy cock bobbing between her legs as you slide into Nayeon's slick and hot cunt. You stay there, nibbling on your breakfast and drinking your coffee, hips flush against her cock warmer's ass.

You thrust in shallow undulations, enough to make Nayeon's breath catch. You wrap your arm around Nayeon's stomach and palm her bare tits. She's finished with her breakfast, and it is almost time for a second one. "You make my cock so sensitive to your heat." You purr into Nayeon's ear, your thrusts becoming deep as you pull out, all the way, and shoving your meat deep inside the brunette. "It feels fucking amazing..." Coffee spills on the tiled counter, but you don't give a damn. You grasp Nayeon's hips and pound into her, your face against Nayeon's back.

Nayeon pants and grips the edge of the counter until her knuckles pale, her ass rutting back into you while you slam into her, your nails digging into Nayeon's bare hip. You slap her ass, palm colliding against the soft, tanned flesh that bounces, as you continued to fuck Nayeon, her desperate moans making your cock harder. It takes a few more pumps for you to growl and shove your pulsing meat deep into Nayeon's grasping pussy, her muscles clenching deliciously
around you. You grunt and you shoot load, just as Nayeon shivers, her knees buckling as her orgasm follows directly after.

You grin and hold Nayeon up until she manages to stand up on her own. You cock softens but you don't pull out. You're too comfortable. You grab your mug and refill it halfway with coffee. You take a sip, rolling your hips to gauge how sensitive Nayeon is, only to grin when the brunette almost drops her half-eaten croissant. "Feel good, huh?" You husk. You spank her cock warmer's ass and pull out. A line of cum trickles out of Nayeon, but you love seeing your semen drip out, and Nayeon knows it. So, she flexes her pussy muscles, the translucent liquid running down her thigh.

That is usually how your start your day.

After you make Nayeon sit on the couch to relax and drink her coffee, you wash the dishes and tell Nayeon that a client is coming over. Nayeon smiles at this and nods, offering you her coffee mug and crawling dutifully, like the perfect cock slave that she is, with her asshole and pussy plugged with your vibrating toys. You watch with a delighted grin as Nayeon crawls to your office, while you clean up and take a quick shower.

Dressed in loose slacks and a dress shirt rolled up to your elbows, you hear the doorbell ring and so you let your client in. He follows behind you into your office, and as you fall on your leather seat, you catch a glimpse of Nayeon, eagerly waiting for you. You scoot closer and you feel a hand working on unbuttoning your fly to take your cock out.

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