The Stripper - Momo

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"Yeah, fine. Just get here when you can."

You hung up and leaned back in your creaking chair. You rubbed your eyes. It was looking to be a rough night; you'd already had two no-shows and Jihyo was calling in late. Again. How was she supposed to run a club with no valet?

Honestly, none of this was at all fair. Owning a strip club was supposed to be fucking awesome. Sometimes it was, but most of the time it was struggle and headache and not very much fun at all.

You grabbed the phone again and dialed the front desk. "Hey, Tzuyu. Can you grab Nayeon and put her on valet? Jihyo's in her own time zone again."

"You got it. Want me to call in Jeongyeon to cover


"Nah, we should be ok until Jihyo gets here. It's early."

Your office door bounced open. You glared at it until Chaeyoung's head peeked around the corner. You hung up and gestured for the blonde to come in, a slow smile growing on her lips. "What are you supposed to be?"

"I'm a tiger," Chaeyoung explained. Wrapped around her face was a tiger-shaped hood, complete with soft black-tipped ears, and trailing down both sides were arms-length strips of fur ending in gloves shaped like paws. She put her hands in the paws and raised them. "See?"

You chuckled. "Quite the striking resemblance. You need something?"

"Two of the stage lights are flickering again." Chaeyoung looked concerned. "Did you forget to pay the electric bill for those two?"

"Dammit." You sighed. "The same ones? I had two guys in here supposedly fixing those this morning." You smiled and sat back. "Not to worry. I'll call them tomorrow and unleash full bitch mode. It should be very therapeutic."

"Make love, not war," Chaeyoung told you seriously, then waltzed out of her office with her paws raised, dancing to the thumping music from out on the floor.

Chaeyoung was a damn good DJ, though it never hurt she danced for tips from the booth when she was able to put a set on auto-pilot. The rarity of seeing her incredible body always drove the crowd wild when it happened. Tight muscles, smooth skin, and moves that-

Your office phone rang again, startling you from your Chaeyoung-shaped daydreams. "Leave a message," you talked at the shrilling telephone. It rang insistently in reply. The night was too young for the amount of bullshit you were getting handed. You needed a drink.

You ducked out of your office and wandered onto the main floor. Twice's used to be a high-end restaurant and bar, so the place was plenty spacious. The mirrored walls and low-key red lighting you'd added made it look even more expansive than it was.

The crowd was light, but not bad for the time. In a couple hours the place would be buzzing with testosterone and a particularly vapid brand of conversation unique to strip clubs. As of now, what few guys there were in the house were all stage side, not that you could blame them. The new girl, Mina, did a slow spin down the pole and you had a hard time looking away yourself. Rumor had it the brunette had been famous for her ballet skills, people calling her 'The Black Swan'. You would be lying if you said the thought didn't get your dick hard.

Behind the bar, you slipped around Dahyun and made a beeline for the liquor. "Oh-hey boss," Dahyun said. She hurriedly shoved her phone behind the register and made a show of efficiently unloading a crate of freshly cleaned wine glasses.

You just hummed in acknowledgement as you grabbed a double shot glass and filled it to the brim with Gran Patrón. One of the perks of ownership: every single one of the hundreds of bottles on the back wall was quite literally yours for the taking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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