How Good Days Start - Sana

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You jerk awake, your legs flailing under the blankets, the falling sensation clamping down on your gut. You gasp and your eyes shoot open, only to be closed once again to block off the light that filters through the cracks of the curtains. You eye the clock and grunt. You have two hours before you have to leave for work. A part of you refuses to go, but you know that as much Sana loves you, she wants you to go to work.

You nuzzle the back of your girlfriend's neck and inhale the morning from her skin. Since the first
snowfall, Sana took to sleeping fully clothed, much to your slight disappointment. Sure, it takes more effort to get to her pussy, but if it means Sana is warm and cuddly, then so be it.

You unwrap your arms from around Sana's stomach and duck under the covers. You kiss the swell of Sana's hip and situate yourself between her legs. You bury your face against Sana's pussy and inhale, the soft cashmere tickling your nose. Sana smells so good, and your hunger will never dissipate. You know you're a pussy slave for Sana's hot cunt, and you're proud of it.

Pulling off the fabric of Sana's pajamas, you breathe, watching gooseflesh rise from her plump, pussy lips. God, you just want to bury your face in that pretty pussy all day, and you have in the past. You mentally remind yourself to beg Sana to sit on your face all day, and soon.

You stick your tongue out and poke the tip against Sana's small clit, still shy and tucked beneath the hood. You admire it with your lips, kissing and nipping her soft pussy while inhaling the musky scent. You flatten your tongue against Sana's entrance and drag it up to her stiffening clit. You stifle a moan. Sana is delicious, a mix of salty and sweet, honey and something uniquely Sana. Unable to resist, you push Sana's legs up by the backs of her knees until her feet are up in the air.

You ease your tongue in Sana's grasping cunt. It's a wonder Sana's still asleep, but then again, she has always been a heavy sleeper.

You draw your tongue back, a line of spit and girl cum trailing after the tip of it. You slurp it away and smile when Sana stirs awake. Her knuckles rub her eyes and she looks up at you with bright, sleepy brown eyes. "Hi, baby." You smile at her and flick her chit. Sana grunts and bucks her hips.

"G'morning..." She hums, and you ease her down onto the bed. As much of a pussy slave you are, you also enjoy Sana's kisses like post-dinner chocolate. You brush Sana's nose with yours and kiss her plump mouth.

Sana grasps the back of your neck and pulls you in deeper. You flatten her body on top of her, your erection tenting your pajamas. It presses against Sana's stomach and a smile curls her lips. "And how are you today?" She asks. She tugs at the garter of your sweatpants and reaches in to feel the heavy meat of your cock.

"You woke up to me eating your pussy. I'm sure you can take a wild guess." You kiss her nose and lay on your side. You throw your leg over Sana's. You cuddle up against San, your hard dick pressed against her hip. You groan, burying your face against Sana's arm, and humping against her.

"Y/N, you horny boy." Sana smacks your cheek, a playful glint in her eye. You moan and slide down, back to Sana's cunt. You inhale her inner thigh and licks the tender skin. "If you want my pussy, you better get to tongue-fucking me." Sana sighs and leans back in the pillows, eyes closed. "And you better make me cum with that tongue or you won't get your cock in my pussy at all."

As per your girlfriend's orders, you part her lips wide and latch onto her mound. You dip your tongue into her hole, your nose rubbing against Sama's stiff clit. Your girlfriend shivers, tightening her grip on your hair, her ass rising off the bed to hump your talented mouth. "Yes," Sana moans, throwing her head back in pleasure. "Let me feel that tongue some more, babe-oh!" Sana shrieks, her body tensing while you do something inexplicable with your tongue inside Sana's wet cunt that sends shivers down her spine as she orgasms. You stay latched onto Sana's grasping hole, nose rubbing her clit in gentle flicks.

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