Chapter Three

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The Mikaelson's were now standing in the woods. It was dark and the moon was shining bright above them. As they stood looking around frantically not knowing what was happening, then the sound of a loud crack was heard followed by a scream. That was when Niklaus realized what was happening and he couldn't help but clench and grinded his jaw.

"She's shifting." Klaus growled frustrated as he ran his hand through his hair angered that his eldest daughter was going through such hardships. Informing the rest of the family who we now understood what was going on, they all had a look of sympathy. All that could be heard was the constant sobbing. But then they heard Buzz's voice.

"I'm sorry Rina but you gotta shift. Your anger is going to get someone killed. You have to let your wolf out," Buzz sighed. He has been out here for hours with Zarina. Buzz has been trying to help her through the pain of shifting. Her anger becoming out of control since they've came to Druig's community in the forest of Amazon.

"I don't wanna! I don't wanna!" Zarina whimpered. She didn't want to shift but knew she had to. The moon above made her instincts to shift roar. They've been coming up with excuses for her outbursts. But knew what they had to do. Zarina had to let her wolf free to run and shift. Since a young age Zarina has known about herself being a werewolf. And grew knowing to be careful in what she did. But once she was captured by hydra, they forced Zarina to go through the painful transition. Every once in a while, to study her and her wolf form.

"What the hell is going on," Druig yelled. He had heard the screaming of the girl he had grown close to. He then saw her hunched over in pain, whimpering and sobbing. Druig was about to go to her but was stopped by Buzz placing a hand on his chest. He was about to argue but turned to Zarina when he heard a growl from Zarina. He then witnessed Zarina look up at him with bright blue neon eyes.

Feeling pain sweep over her body, Zarina throws her head back. Screaming as her long fangs unsheathed. Her screams soon turned to growls and howls. Druig watched with fascination but also worry, for the girl who was turning into a wolf before his eyes.

Zarina knew Druig was there but didn't care.

Her mind was on the unbelievable pain that engulfed her entire being as her bones began to shift and rearrange. Her hand that had long claws snapped to her shirt to rip it in half trying to relive some of the pain. Zarina then fell to the ground on all four in pain. Druig contented to watch and heard as her bones crack and shift. black soon took over her face and body as she transitioned herself to that of a large black wolf with glowing blue eyes.

Once fully transitioned, exhaustion took over Zarina's wolf body. And she soon collapsed to the ground with a thump. Huffing Zarina looked around her eyes soon met; Druig who was starring with amazement and worry, while Buzz stood next to him with his arm crossed a look of worry as he looked at her. Druig soon spoke, saying the first thing question that came to his mind.

"What is she?"

"Hm, you figured that out," Buzz sighed. Scratching at his jaw Buzz looked around trying to gather the right words. But soon decided to wing it crossing his arms again as he continued, "to put it simply supernatural creatures are real. It's not just aliens and people with superpowers. Werewolves, vampires, witches, all real, and more. But Zarina happens to be all three of the creatures I just listed.

Making her a tribrid, which is very very rare. From what we know. But fast forward to hydra taking her experimenting on her, they enhanced all aspects of her supernatural counterparts. Leading me to call her enhanced tribrid, got a nice ring to it. Anyways what hydra did made her extra powerful. Her wolf form is bigger, healing is fast, speed ten times faster than your average supernatural creature, witchy abilities ten times more powerful. She's just more powerful than most." Buzz ended his speech. Druig nodded letting him know he listened but didn't take his eyes off of Zarina's black wolf form. That was now sitting up watching the two. Druig smiled as he watched her tilt her head.

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