Animal Kingdom

5.9K 110 77

"Gooooo~oooood Morning~! Ohayooo Gozaimaaaasu~! I hope all is well on this great yet, chilly winter day~!"

A radio voice is heard from numerous sources such as Public Announcement radio systems, cars in traffic, earphone pieces of people passing by, all tuning into the radio for the morning. And just like the radio had state, the winter crisp was true with those same people wearing appropriate clothing as they made sure to stay warm with mittens, hats, coats and scarves. As for the environment, the air being exhaled by people and car exhausts alike, turned into visible plumes. The plants that remained alive in these cold times were glazed over with a minor yet very much glistening morning dew frost.

"Stay covered and warm as well as remember to have a nice cup of coffee or hot chocolate! With that? To the news!"

Just as the radio man finished their sentence, a cold breeze wafted right against a crowd of people going work. As a result? Some hoods belonging to jackets and hats would fly off and be caught to reveal amongst these crowds of people were humans that had odd features. Animalistic features, to be specific. With some adorning horns of Gazelle or deers, others having ears of cats, dogs, tails belonging to all sorts of species. There was a diversity of these types of features. All in different shapes and colors.

"Today marks the ten year mark of the Manimal Act! So many years of protesting and fighting to now celebrate Manimals and Humans finally putting their differences aside!"

To reinforce this, there were city workers putting up streamers at the center of town with others bringing in venues, games, rides, overall? It seemed like a fair was being set up. Even some excited children watching the park get turned into a large haven for their animalistic featured counterparts. Counterparts that were present in the form of a girl with ginger cat ears smiling widely as large tuna plushies being set up to be won over in a game of ring toss.

"However, a day that leads to celebration has been met with bitter sweet moments for Wolfmen."

Just then, a man bringing in some equipment to the stand would pass right by the girl as she squeaked out. Taking a step back allowed her to get a full scale of the man and his large tail that swayed idly as he set down a box. Looking at her with an indifferent face as she was still in a trance of awe up until a small beep rang out. One that caught her attention as she looked at his right wrist to see a black bracelet with numerous green bars and a few red ones that blinked.

"Even with so many advancements to Manimal Rights, Wolfmen, particularly males, still have to be registered and visibly distinct with their Fera-meters in public."

Once again, a began rang out from the wolf man's bracelet as another bar of red had been added as a green one was missing. Seeing this, the girl couldn't help but go wide eyed as she stepped back yet, the male reached out to her.

"Still, there are many fighting for their rights."

At City Hall, numerous Wolfmen, of both genders, as well as other Manimals could be seen protesting outside with signs. All having the common message of expediting Wolfman Feral Research. Yet they were also met with anti-protestors that held signs of wanting to restrict them even more with promises of full on state tracking.

"And those who want to restrict them. Despite all this? I will not lie when I say these Wolfmen sure can be 'Big Bad Wolves!'"

Frozen, the girl shut her eyes when all she felt was her head being rubbed before opening her softly to see the Wolfman smiling down her with a smile that had a tremendous amount of effort put into it. Of course, it made the smile seem weird but, the girl got the overall message as she smiled.

"Overall? Today will be a good day for me! And with that? Hurry on to work, people and animals!"

As the radio broadcast ended, it shifted to a view of a kitchen within a house located in the more residential area of the city. Inside, was the humming of a woman alongside boiling of water, a knife making contact with a cutting board as well as the sound of vegetables being diced. Around the kitchen laid many pieces of memorabilia such as photos, carrot ornaments and decor that seemed to be heavily influenced by rabbits. And at the center of it all, was a woman wearing a pink long sleeve shirt, a tan colored apron, a pair of blue jeans as well as brown flats. However, what stood out the most of this woman was a set of white fading to a light blue set of hair. Even more so? Was a set of similarly colored set of large bunny ears atop her head.

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