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"That's so scary!"

Noel's voice would ring out with fear from within the cafeteria as it was jam-packed with staff members from front of desk all the way to co-managers. Of course, there was the mix of races of Manimals and Humans. And one such mix was Hololive's Third Generation, HoloFantasy. All of which had their same respective dishes.

As for why Noel was so fearful? Well, Pekora had just finished telling them of the events that had unfolded in proper detail. This was due to staff having told the girl's to give Pekora some space thanks to the rather scary event of the fire so close to home. The girls were all equally shocked at what occurred yet, the contrast came with Pekora's expression of more relaxed smile. To contrast everything, she just sat on the bench with her cheek against the palm of her hand whilst the other poked at some left over takoyaki from the night prior.

"I'm relived he's okay...Poor guy."

"Nee- Do you think it was a fire started on purpose?"

Flare's worriment was accompanied by his frowning lightly with a sigh yet, Marine's input actually made the table perk a bit. Even Pekora was a bit taken aback yet, curiosity had also been prodded as she sat up for a moment. The girls even hummed lightly in unison before Rushia shook her head lightly.

"No. Couldn't have been. The Firefighters said it was faulty wiring, right? Besides, to go to such lengths just because of what's attached to his backside and head? Seems a bit much..."

"Even with the recent news..."

The girls soon fell silent with frowns as they thought back on recent events that have sparked...reasonable fear amongst the public. Yet much like how Rushia had stated? Purposeful sabotage was a bit much. However, Rushia's words also made Pekora feel a bit bad about her outbursts yet again, even if yesterday's atmosphere within the home was splendid.

Yet, before the girls could gloom more over the events? A small chuckle would ring out as they turned to see Tsukikage in a longsleeve blue "Hololive" shirt that was accompanied by his usual choice of pants and footwear, the blue set of suit pants and dark brown casual smart shoes. What was new was the fact his fact had small bandaids littering his face as he held a clipboard under his arm. Almost instantly, the girls perked up with a sense of shock on their faces.


"Yes. That is my name. At least on my birth certificate...Good Afternoon, girls. All is well, I hope?"

He would soon give the five a small cock of his brow and a semi-forced smile that Pekora noticed right away. In turn, she would tilt her head as she looked to her genmates to see if they had caught on as well yet, judging from how Noel sprang up alongside Marine to stand right in front of the poor guy's face? They didn't. However, their mere..."double presence" made him turn away with an awkward chuckle as his ears pinned back with his tail wagging softly. His hand going to the back of his head to rub it as Pekora couldn't help but notice something else different. His Fera-meter, that of which had four red bars instead of its usual single one.

"Tsukikage-san! Are you okay!? What happened to your face!?"

"I leave for just a few moments and your home burns down!? That's it! I'm staying with you tonight-!"

Noel showed genuine worry for the man as she even tried to reach up to his face yet, he quickly took a step back with another awkward chuckle. As for Marine...? Well...she was smiling in a manner that is frowned upon if you have at least a single glimpse of purity in your soul. And ironically enough, it led to Tsukikage gaining a rather cold stare towards her as he, without a beat missed, cut her off.

"I refuse."

"So cold~!"

Marine would turn away with a clench of her body as Flare and Rushia couldn't help but gain sweat-drop expressions at the "horrendously and vertically impaired" pirate that was their genmate. As for Pekora? She would giggle with a hand over her mouth, something Marine actually caught sight of despite her current actions. Leading to the pirate to gain a small intrigued cock of her eyebrow. R
Meanwhile, (Y/N) would soon bring up his clipboard as well as a pen as turned into a more serious tone upon looking at Noel.

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