Birthday Beast (Soft 🍋)

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I...I sat underneath a slide. I knew it was a slide because I could feel the static electricity rub against the back of my neck and hair. Almost as if trying to hug me during such a time as I hugged my little legs with my little arms. It was the Monday after dad passed away in the fire as he tried to be a hero to save all those people.

"Poor (Y/N)..."

"Take as much time as you need, dear."

"We are here for you...give it your all!"

Everyone was so supportive...probably because it was my birthday...but you know what that one guy from that video games says. Kids are cruel.

"Oi! Flea bag!"

"Hah! Look who's hiding away in his little den!"

The school bullies mocked me as they appeared around the sides of the slide, four total yet the other two only laughed. One would think these were fully humans, but no. One was a lion kid with tails and ears to represent, another was a bear judging from how big he was for his age, another an elk with little nubs of antlers and his head and the other? A human.

Hearing them, I just gave a small whine as I basically buried myself into my "little den" of a slide with a small whine. A whine that they just laughed at before ramping up their little remarks.

"Probably hiding from the fact he's a freak!"

"Or-! Or maybe because they'll put him down like a bad doggie!"

I could feel the tears in my eyes well up as I curled even more. Taking so much amusement in it that it seemed to make that bear kid almost keel over with laughter. But the human must have gotten a hit courageous as he decided to throw in his two cents.

"Yeah! Just like his dad-!"


I soon began to growl out, and despite being a kid? To them? I was a big bad wolf...As I began to uncurl before them, they began to take steps back. Steps that turned into them soon whipping around with screams as I lunged at the human boy. I swear I was seeing red when I landed on him, but before I could actually do anything? A wolfman teacher would yank me off the kid as I flailed wildly with yells that came out like barks. Even with my size, that feral strength was...something I never felt before. Something I never wanted to feel again...

"Tsuki! Tsuki! Calm down! It ain't worth it!"


Now sitting in a chair right outside the principal's office, I hung my head low as my ears were dropped to the sides. My tail just laid on my lap as I held onto it. My shiny new Fera-meter? Was currently in it's "Minus One" state. No matter the amount of times the doctor fixed it, it still dropped to one bar red. Inside the office though? I could hear my mother chewing out the principal's ear with her yelling.

"You and your staff failed in keeping an eye on him! My pup is being bullied constantly today and you all don't want to do anything!"

"It is a subject heard over the entire city- Country at this point! Even if we could enforce it fully? We would have at least fifty percent of the school suspended in under one day-!"

"THEN DO IT OR ELSE I WILL EXPOSE ALL THE FINE PRINT...! Yeah. I read them. You best do something, or else my lawyers will break down every single term. Publicly."

Soon, the door opened and slammed shut as mom stepped out wearing a huge scowl before looking to me. Approaching me, she would crouch down and place her hand over mine. Cupping my cheek so I looked at her, she was glossy eyed as she spoke.

"Little matter what you hear...? You believe what I told you...Your father...was a good man..."


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