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It took you more than a few minutes to clean everything up, all while he just watched, snacking on the food you had brought, as if you were some sort of  free entertainment. The absolute nerve. 

You sighed, wiping off the bead of sweat that cascaded down your face. You set down the dustpan, almost filled to the brim with pieces of broken mirrors, shards, and bits of wooden frames,  off into the corner along with the broom. 

Okay. I've done enough. You thought, looking over the room.  No way in hell I'm not throwing that out. What am I his maid? 

You found yourself glancing back towards the shapeshifter, your eyes met, he flashed you a wide smile, in response - you stick your tongue out at him. 

He chuckled. 

You rolled your eyes. "What made you in a 'fist smashing mood' anyways?" 

Carlos' smile faltered, he didn't answer,  instead he stood up, and walked towards another full length mirror.

You watched, waiting, and readying yourself to stop him if he made a move to start punching mirrors again - not on your watch. You just cleaned up after all.

He does nothing, staring into his reflection. 

He brought his hand up to his face, pulling at his skin. ". . . Do I look strange to you?" 

You raised an eyebrow at the out of nowhere question and walked towards him. You looked at him and back towards his reflection in the mirror, one, two, three times, before smiling. "Still the same annoying face as always." 

You expected him to say a boastful retort, one that would both tease and annoy you, but instead what you got was a laugh, light and soft, feeling almost genuine. 

His eyes drifted off towards you, lips curving into a small smile. Gingerly he reached out a hand -  and even surprising yourself - you let him, and then flicked you, right in the forehead.

"Ow!" You shouted, hand going towards your temple. You glared. "If you do that again - I'm gonna be the one smashing mirrors - with your face." 

He snorted, rolling his eyes. As always your threats of physical violence had no effect on him, you wondered if Luisa's offer was still on the table, afterall she was stronger than you were. 

"You - !" You nearly screamed, hands flew to cover your eyes as you quickly turned around, facing the wall, eyes shut tight. "Hijueputa!" Was the first thing that came out of your mouth.  "What the hell are you doing?!" 

"Taking my shirt off, what else?"

"You should have warned me first, jackass! I would have left!" You said, hands stuck to your face. The man seemed to have absolutely no qualms taking his shirt off in front of you - common decency thrown out the window. "When you put on a shirt. I  am so punching you!" 

He hummed, you can just hear the smug smile he had on right about now. "Maybe I shouldn't then, I mean, I don't want to get punched after all." 

"Put it on!" 

A laugh, before you hear the sound of a drawing getting pulled open, there's a few moments of silence, a rustle of clothing here and there, then finally - "I'm decent." 

You shake your head. "No, you're awful." 

"Clothing wise, hermosa." 

You hesitate, but slowly pull down your hands back to your side. Now face to face with framed pictures that hang on the wall, family pictures, looking down, there's a small table, placed on it was another framed picture - you recognize yourself quickly, next to him. 

As if on cue the shapeshifter appeared beside you, and true to what he said - he was decent, clothing wise, also now wearing his distinct red ruana. 

He glanced at the picture, before bringing it close to his face, examining it with narrowed eyes. "I look different."

You scoffed, swiping the picture from him, leaving his hands empty. "That's just what puberty does, idiot. What's with  the  sudden  fixation  on  your appearance?  You  look . . . fine."  You weren't   gonna  say  anything  more than that. The  deepest  parts  of  hell will freeze over long before you admit that he's attractive. 

You looked down at the picture, fingers skimming along it's framed edges. "Man, I was a cute kid." 

Carlos raised an eyebrow, nudging you slightly. "Hmm, no comment for younger me?" 

You  chewed   at  the  inside   of   your cheek,  and  gently  placed  down  the picture.  You  glanced  at him,  looking into each other's eyes - what a tender moment - that  you  quickly  ended when  you socked him, hard, on his left arm. 

He hissed, quickly nursing his arm, eyes narrowing tightly.

You gave him a half hearted shrug, grinning proudly. "I said I'd punch you, didn't I?"

Carlos rolled his eyes, hand falling to his side, muttering something under his breath, what you could only make out was the words 'stayed' and 'shirtless'. 

"But yeah." You  muttered  without much  thought, looking down. "You were cute too." You squinted, now only noticing the oh-so familiar heart shaped clip, set down on the further end of the table.

What a surprise. I expected him to throw it away. 

You smiled, but didn't comment on it, maybe  you  can  save it for blackmail material,  who  knows.      You  turned back towards him, in realization. "I completely forgot why I came up here –  I was supposed to get you to help downstairs!" 

You wrapped your hand around his arm, and tried to tug him out of the room, of course, he didn't budge. "Come on!" 

"Slow down." Carlos breathed out, he glanced towards the door,  then  back to you, with a sigh, he took your hand –  now  the  one leading you out of the room,  the  moment  you  stepped  out, the bright lights almost blinded you. 

There's a squeak. 

Almost snapping your head off to the side - you  see   the   newly       engaged couple.  Dolores  glanced at the two of you,  then looked down,  you followed her  eyes,  there's  a  long  second  that passed -  before  you ripped your hand off his, and took a step back.

Mariano chuckled. "If things keep up like that - there's going to be another engagement party soon."

You resisted the urge to gag. 


Thank you all so much for reading! ♡

I was supposed to update Bad Luck Charm but my mind kept going to here ahhhh - sorry haha, I'll  update it as soon as I can.

Also guys - how are you guys enjoying the story so far? Don't be shy to voice out your opinions, even if they're negative!

We're already at chapter 10 woaah, original planned this story to be up to 15, guess it's gonna be a tiny bit longer, sishsb.

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