I'm Home | True Ending

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What else could you do?

Silence filled the air around you, a large contrast to the cheers and roaring of the townspeople just minutes ago. You stared at the door in front of you, feeling if your eyes left it, even for just a moment - it would disappear too.

You stepped forward, a multitude of thoughts brewing, voices in your head, all too loud for you to distinguish one from another. Slowly, your hand reached for the doorknob, fingers curling around the cold metal, a strange feeling buzzing through you.

You stayed still, something holding you back - an invisible force wrapped around you - stopping you from continuing any further.

A voice seemed to whisper, different from the rest before, asking you what you wanted. You were unsure if this voice was your own.

You took a deep breath, one thought pushing past all others. The only clear idea in your mind.

I want to go home.

With a shaky breath, you twisted the knob and pushed the door open, as soon as you stepped in, a bright light enveloped you, instinctively your eyes shut, almost blinded by the light that surrounded you.

A moment passed, a heavy beat of your own heart, before your eyes fluttered open - vivid colors greeting you. The halls, no longer gray, no overarching darkness looming.

You feel relief flood you, a sigh escaping your lips, yet the sound of your name breaks the silence, cracking away at your new found ease —- again, you hear your name, a familiar voice.

You find yourself staring, heart beating faster and faster. Right in front of your eyes was someone you never thought you would ever see again.

"-- Camilo?"

He raised an eyebrow. "No, It's Carlos!" The shapeshifter laughed, and stepped forward, an arm's reach away from you. He lifted a hand, giving your forehead a tap, as he tilted his head slightly, flashing you a playful smile. "But seriously, who's Carlos?"

Your heart dropped.

His smile faltered. "I, Are you okay?" He muttered, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry, I should have known you wouldn't want to talk about this Carlos guy, whoever he is."

Your body shook. "Camilo?"

Camilo pushed up a smile. "Yeah?"

Before you even knew it, you had already pulled him into a hug, pressing your face against his ruana, yellow, vibrant and warm, no dark red. "H-hey." He called out, voice soft, his hand already running  soothing circles on your back. "What's wrong, mi amiga?"

"It's – it's nothing, I just, I missed you — that's all." You hugged him tighter.

Camilo let out a chuckle, returning the hug.  "Hm, we just saw each other a while ago but, I guess you just really love me that much, huh?"

You laughed a little pained, shaking your head slightly, tears running down your face. "Y-yep." You said, voice breaking, though he didn't seem to notice. You pulled away from him, and took a step back, eyes taking a glance around Casita. "Camilo, I, have I been acting strange lately?"

Camilo pursed his lips together, as if deep in thought. "Well, I mean, besides the fact that  you kept calling me Carlos for a while for some reason, nothing much."

"D-did I mention, something like, I dunno, another world?"

His eyebrows furrowed together. "Uh, no? Is that part of what you talked about with Tio Bruno for his play?" 

You stared, trying to process the situation before you. It was indeed some sort of switch, each of you somehow being transported into one another's world, and now, you were right where you were supposed to be.

Then why didn't it feel right?

You tried to shake that thought away, and pushed up a smile. "I, nevermind whatever I just said." You muttered, glancing up towards the night sky. "I uh, guess I should be leaving now."

Camilo blinked. "Hah?" He exclaimed, clearly confused. "-- but we haven't had dinner yet, come on, you can't bail on us again!"

You clicked your tongue. You were happy to be home —- you were happy to see Camilo again, you really were, yet a part of you was just so tired. After everything that just happened, you wanted nothing more than to just lock yourself in your room, you wanted to be alone.

"Right, dinner. " You said. "Silly me, I forgot."

"Come on!" He takes your hand in his, leading you down the stairs. "I asked Tia Julieta to make your favorite." Camilo grinned, so warm and comforting.

You squeeze his hand, a smile making its way to your lips.

"Oh." Camilo stopped, as glanced down to your wrist. "Where'd you get the bracelet?"

Your smile tightened, as you tried to ignore the small prick it set in your heart. It was now your only real reminder of your time in another world; a  world you would soon have to forget, a place you didn't belong, with a person that had given his heart to you —- one you couldn't return.

"Someone special gave it to me."

You looked down curiously at the bracelet on your wrist, tapping your finger against your cheek in thought, a hum escaped your throat, as you were unable to answer your own question.

"I wonder where I got this bracelet." You muttered, finger brushing against its cute butterfly charm. You weren't sure why, but you could never find it in yourself to take it off for more than a few minutes, something - a weird feeling in the back of your head, always urging you to keep it with you.

You wished to forget, and forget you did.

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