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Carlos is on his knees.

– or well, rather, was on his knees.

You crossed your arms, stifling out a loud groan, as you watched from far away as Mirabel pulled Carlos off the ground, the panic her face had held slowly fading away into a nervous smile, she looked up towards her cousin, retracting her hands back to her sides, waiting for him to speak.

His lips moved, though from this distance, you weren't able to hear a word. This, this one of the very few moments you found yourself wanting the gift of super hearing –  "So." You began, to the person beside you, but made no attempt to tear your eyes away from the scene unfolding in front of you. 

"Please tell me you got a picture of that." You said almost pleadingly, as afterall, it wasn't everyday someone can get a Madrigal, especially Carlos, on their knees, asking for forgiveness. 

The man beside you hummed. "Lucky for you, I did." Alfonso muttered, as he fiddled with the camera, adjusting the stand. "Is this for proof, blackmail or merely for your own enjoyment?"

"All of the above, probably." You laughed.

He sighed. 

"Gotta say, Alfonso. I'm feeling a bit judged here."

"I am judging you." – at least he was honest about it, can't fault him for that. From an outside view, perhaps making him go down on his knees was a bit much, just maybe a tad, but the sign, that was currently hanging around his neck, a sign that said 'I'm a big dumb jerkface' – that. That was justice. 

Just as about as you were about to say a comeback; the words slipped away from your mind as soon as your eyes caught a glimpse of Mirabel tearing up – before you could even take a step forward, she threw her arms around the shapeshifter, pulling him into a tight hug. 

Oh, it was that kind of tears. 

Your shoulders relaxed, feelings a bit mixed; one, you were happy that Mirabel was getting an apology, which was probably less than what she deserves, and two – it felt like Carlos was getting off way too easy, if you were Mirabel, you would have at least socked him in the stomach.

The two stayed in an embrace for a while, Carlos  rigidly tapping on her shoulder, a 'there there' motion, a rather awkward gesture, but even you could tell he was trying. You managed to see his lips turn into a small smile, eyes glancing down at his cousin. 

Mirabel was the first to pull away, she wiped her face with her sleeves, but smiled. Whatever Carlos had said – it seemed to do the trick. Her eyes glanced back toward his chest, the sign clear as day, you made sure to write it in big bold letters, unmistakable. 

She bursted into stifles of laughter, and you felt yourself smile, taking in the sight of her happiness, before  you let out a heavy sigh, figuring out that if that was enough for her, then there wasn't anything you could do, but – if she asked to you to punch Carlos in her behalf, then who were you to turn her down.

Her eyes drifted towards you, her smile softened, she gave you a wave, before looking back to her cousin, taking his hand and dragging him as they headed towards your direction. 

"That's my cue to leave." Alfonso said abruptly, as he quickly picked up the camera. "I'll make copies, encase Carlos tries to find a way to burn any evidence of this ever happening." – and before you could utter the simple words of  'take me with you!', he was already gone.

Then, it was your turn to get hugged. Your face was smooched into her hair, and a bit by her straw hat. Mirabel gave you a squeeze. "Thank you." She said softly, almost whispering into your ear. "I, I never thought this day would come."

Stuck With You ⇁ Carlos Madrigal Where stories live. Discover now