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"You're insane."

The man hummed, he peered over his shoulder, looking back towards with an amused smile. "How so?" He asked with a soft chuckle.

You groaned, shoulders slouching, your feet seemed to drag behind you. "It's six in the morning, Alfonso!"

He nodded. "It's so we can get back before dark." You understood that part, still it didn't mean you had to like it. "Not a morning person, I take it?" Alfonso asked.

You took a deep breath,  walking faster to catch up with him. "Not exactly, just a person who really loves sleep." You muttered absentmindedly, as the two of you now walked side by side, making your way towards the edge of town.

You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes, something clicking inside your head.

He cocked his head to the side. "What's with the staring?"

"Oh, uh, sorry." You quickly looked away, a little embarrassed.  "It's just I thought your eyes were green. It's, uh, nevermind. It was probably just the lighting or something."

You expected him to give you some sort of  quip, a playful remark but he said nothing.

A silence took over the air around you, it wasn't uncomfortable, still, it wasn't something you wanted to continue.

You looked back at him. "I. . . I  never did ask you why you were there."

His eyebrows knitted together, as he looked down at you  in confusion.  "Where?"

You laughed, rolling your eyes. "You know, with the whole 'wandering through the forest, oh my dashing knight?" You joked, watching the way his lips pursed into a thin line, as if he wanted to say something but was hesitating.


The two came to a sudden stop, voices shouting both of your names.  Looking off to the side, slightly hidden between trees; Mirabel waved as she stood next to her sister, who only flashed you a small smile, and the demonio himself leaned against the trunk of a tree, eyes seemingly to light up in mischief the moment he saw you.

"You running away from home or something?" You greeted Mirabel with a laugh, giving her bag, which looked like it was stuffed with all sorts of things, a poke.

Mirabel glared, playfully rolling her eyes. "Say that again, and I won't give you any of the snacks I packed."

"Oh, no." You gasped , dramatically, seemingly horrified as you played along. "Please forgive me! I need snacks to survive!" The two of you exchanged glances, before laughing.

"Alright, that's enough." Isabela interrupted. "You can continue the chatter when we're moving." She said, sparing no time as she stepped into the forest, gesturing for all of you to follow.

Mirabel gave you a shrug, then followed - you trailed behind her, curiously watching as Isabela grew a vine that wrapped around a tree tightly, spurting off vibrant red and orange flowers - a trail marker.

Your eyes drifted off to the back, Alfonso and Carlos engaged in chatter, none of which you could hear, as they walked together. You're grateful that the shapeshifter's attention wasn't solely on you - but the sight got you curious, they actually seemed to get along fine. An odd friendship definitely.

Your steps slowed, eventually they caught up to you, if they were surprised by your sudden addition - they hid it well. You shifted to the side, towards the right, just beside Alfonso, farthest away from the shapeshifter.

Carlos raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, it's good that you're sticking close – don't want you  getting lost again." He called out with a grin, one that you wanted to wipe away with your fist.

Stuck With You ⇁ Carlos Madrigal Where stories live. Discover now