Stuck with You | Alternative Ending

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What else could you do?

Silence filled the air around you, a large contrast to the cheers and roaring of the townspeople just minutes ago. You stared at the door in front of you, feeling if your eyes left it, even for just a moment - it would disappear too.

You stepped forward, a multitude of thoughts brewing, voices in your head, all too loud for you to distinguish one from another. Slowly, your hand reached for the doorknob, fingers curling around the cold metal, a strange feeling buzzing through you.

You stayed still, something holding you back - an invisible force wrapped around you - stopping you from continuing any further.

A voice seemed to whisper, different from the rest before, asking you what you wanted. You were unsure if this voice was your own.

Your breathing quickened, as you ripped your hand off the doorknob, taking a step back, eyes shaking. You watched as the door slowly began to fade away into nothing.

"That's a surprise." A voice said.

You turned to see her, the glow that covered her body seemed to dim, she stared right where the door had been before turning to look at you, giving you what you could only describe as an almost smile. "It'll be back." She said, and as if sensing your confusion, continued. "The door will appear again, but. . . I can't say it'll come down to your choice when it does."

You opened your mouth, but before even a syllable could escape — she disappeared, and with a blink. The world around you was in color once again. You snapped your head towards the door you had come from, it's light greeting you, carvings glowing brightly.

You don't waste time, running towards the door, almost kicking it open, as you rush inside.

Carlos flinched, startled by the noise, his body tensed but quickly relaxed when he saw you. "Hey– oof!" The shapeshifter is almost body slammed into a hug. His eyes glanced down at you in surprise, as you only hugged him tighter. "I, uh, that was quick."

"Carlos I–" Your voice cracked. "I don't want to leave."

He chuckled, running his fingers through your hair, before placing a soft kiss on your temple, quickly wrapping his arms around you tightly. "Like I'm gonna let you leave so easily, remember, you're stuck with me."

You pulled away, just enough to look at him, a small smile made its way to your lips as you placed a gentle hand on his cheek, one he seemed to melt into, enjoying the warmth you brought.

"Yep, I'm stuck with you."

He smiled and leaned down, stopping for a moment before pressing his lips against yours.

Stuck With You ⇁ Carlos Madrigal Where stories live. Discover now