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You've never been more happy to see a familiar face than now. "Mirabel!" You shouted, relief flooding you in waves. The girl flashed a small smile, her glasses a bit foggy, she looked down at you from up above.

"Hold on!" Mirabel exclaimed. "The guys will be here in a sec – we'll get you out soon, don't worry."

"Mirabel!" You heard her sister shout, though she was nowhere in sight. "Back away now, I don't think the ground there is stable!" 

Mirabel looked up, glancing to her left, before quickly looking back at the two – she hesitated but took a few careful steps away from the opening. "How are we going to get them out, Isa?"

"I'll handle it!" 

You glanced towards the shapeshifter, who placed a hand on your shoulder, giving it a small squeeze, as he sent you  a reassuring smile. "Guess, our alone time is cut short."

You laughed, shaking your head slightly. "I think I've had enough of you to last the entire year." 

Carlos hummed, raising an eyebrow. "Lying again? – you know you can never get enough of me." 

"Oh." You looked around, feigning fear. "Careful. You must cause the cave to collapse with your massive ego." 

He leaned down, grinning widely. "You're not denying it though." Hijueputa. He was right, and you couldn't start denying it now either, that would only egg him on further.

You rolled your eyes. "Dios mio - shut up." 

He laughed.

"Okay, love birds. Who's getting out first?" A voice broke through, causing the two of you to look up. Isabela stood above, a vine wrapped tightly around her waist seemingly tied off to something - before you can even think about her question - hands clasped around your shoulder, pushing you forward, as the shapeshifter said your name. 

"Uh, I-" All of a sudden there's a vine wrapping around you. You resisted the urge to scream, the feeling was foreign. "Hold on." Isabela said sternly, before stepping away. Of course, you didn't need to be told twice, hooking your arm and practically your whole body around the thick vine, while it roped along your legs, giving support. 

Soon enough, it started moving – up. You took a chance and glanced down. Carlos looked up at you with a smile, you managed to smile back, but instinctively shut your eyes as dirt started falling, opening them slowly – you looked up, almost reaching the top. 

A hand reached out to you, one you quickly took. You were pulled up, an arm wrapping around your waist - making sure your feet were firmly planted on the ground before finally letting go. 

You sighed in relief, the vines unwrapping around you. "Thanks, Al." 

He took your hand, and gestured for the two of you to get further away from the unstable opening. You hesitated, peering over your shoulder where Isabela stood, maneuvering the vines back down - a second that felt like an eternity passed, before you nodded. 

You made your way towards the treeline, where Mirabel was, she jumped into your arms as soon as possible –  you wanted to comfort her, clearly she had been  worried, you really did but your mind was too focused on the person still underground. 

You pulled away from her, but grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly, as you  looked back towards the hell you just escaped from. 

Your eyes widened –  Isabela tumbled back, the ground that surrounded the opening cracked and fell, hurtling down into the cave. "Carlos!" A  shout that ripped from your throat, body already acting on its own, you took a step forward only to be held back, by both of the people beside you. 

Stuck With You ⇁ Carlos Madrigal Where stories live. Discover now