Birthday Presents

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Sighing I looked out the window bored. Why am I sad? It's my birthday! I thought to myself as the party around me buzzed on. Barry and Iris were chatting happily, Cisco was getting drunk on sweet wine while Caitlin, Joe and Wally all watched amused. I could see them in the reflection within the window and smiled a small smile when I saw Cisco stumble. 

My smile turned into a from when I realised he was stumbling towards me. 

"Alright birthday girl It's time for cake!" he announced as he pulled me up from my comfortable position.

"Cake?" I asked suppressing a smile, Cisco's eyes widened. "Of course! It's tradition, cake before presents," he stated with disbelief.

I rolled my eyes in response, "Of course I know the order of how these things go," I remarked as I sat down in front of the cake. Watching the candles burn slowly I wondered what he would be doing while they all sang for me. Just moments before I blew out my candle, a loud knocking came from the door followed by the chatter of new people.

"Happy birthday my sweet!" shouted Leonard as he stomped in with open arms. I smiled widely as I ran towards him for a hug, burying my nose in his parka I inhaled his smell. "I missed you," I murmured as his arms around me tightened in response, "I know." Concentrating on nothing but him, I hadn't realised the Legends swarming into the house until Mick crushed both Lenny and I in a bone crushing hug.

"Ahh! Happy Birthday Y/n," he chuckled as he watch me suck in air. 

"Thanks Mick and everyone," I smiled.

"Yeah thanks man, you made the birthday girl finally happy," Cisco said patting Leonard on the shoulder earning him a glare. 

"Not to mention, they arrived right in time for cake to be served", stated Iris earning, them looks for explanation. Sara only flashed her a smile, "We are always in time," making Cisco laugh with too much excitement.

"For the record I was happy about the party," I defended myself.

"Yeah, well how you were acting says otherwise," countered Cisco earning a nudge from Caitlin. "Come on Cisco, don't be a party pooper," she told him. "Me! The party pooper?! Hah, I am just gonna go back to my booze," he said offended.

I smiled at his antics until I felt cool hands touch my cheek. I looked up and met the similar cool blue eyes, "You didn't think I was actually gonna miss your birthday?" asked Leonard smoothly.

"Not intentionally," I whispered breathlessly, he kissed my head "Well, lucky me I have a time travelling ship that can bring us to the exact moment I need to be at," he smirked causing me to blush and look down.

Leonard place his hand under my chin and lifted my head gently up to face him, "Turn around," he spoke softly. As I did I saw his hand go into his parka and I grinned thinking about what gift he could've gotten me. I wonder what sort of necklace it is, I thought looking at the floor. 

Instead of his hands coming to put the necklace around me, they stayed on my shoulder and slowly traced down my arms. I giggled at the feeling and sucked in a breath when he pressed up behind me, as he took my hands he whispered, "Close you eyes."

With my eyes shut, I felt as he put a cool metal band on my left hand's ring finger. Gasping my eyes shot open and I saw it was a gold ring band with a red ruby in  the very centre.

"Lenny!!" I exclaimed still staring at it not noticing the crowd surrounding us. "You like it?" he asked as he buried his head into the crook of my neck. I shook my head and smiled, "I love it! It's beautiful," I smiled. 

"Yes, it is beautiful. Must be expensive," commented Cisco who have a look to Barry. I glanced at him and rolled my eyes as he did a I'm-sorry-I-have-to-do-this face. 

"Yeah Snart, where'd you get this?" he asked as he took my hand to examine the ring closely. It honestly looked like something you'd find in a pirate treasure. Leonard stood straight and tugged me closer to him as he looked at Barry.

"Now, now Barry. Before you jump to any conclusions let me just clarify something," he said confidently as he smirked. "It's not considered stealing if the civilization has died 1000 years ago and the people of today consider it as long lost treasure," he said smoothly.

"Huh!?" Everybody in the room exclaimed.


Hello my little snowcones,

It's been awhile. Sorry for the long wait and hold off on publishing new chapters. I was trying to finish high school. Now that that's done with, expect more stories surrounding our frosty lover! ;p

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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