Mayor Snart

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It's been a year since he died. Since the world around me came to a stop, Leonard was everything to me.

Even after a year it still feels like yesterday when he had told me to get Mick back to the waverider, while he took his place.

I stayed locked up in our room, hugging his parka and crying for a whole week.

But now the legends and I are being asked for help by the Flash, Barry Allen.

Barry was heading over to Earth-2 with Cisco and had requested for me to go with since I have elemental powers and am trained in combat.

We arrived at Earth-2 Star Labs where Harry was waiting for us.

"Good, finally your here," said Harry strictly and turned and started walking.

Seeing as that was how he always spoke to me I didn't mind, but Barry and Cisco were taken back from the cold greeting.

We went to Harry's office, when he broke the silence.

"You asked for my help with transporting Barry's consciousness, but I am missing one important piece," he said as he started looking at blueprints.

"Which is?" I asked, getting annoyed with the silence.

"A super-cranial morpher, it will keep the conscious and mind in tact when travelling at such capacity," he then again paused.

And I knew what that pause meant.

"But?!" I said again, annoyed.

"It was stolen by one Victor Hardwood, aka, Titanium. He took it and I haven't been able to track him," he said.

"What about where he lives," piped in Barry.

"Well all the information on meta humans are not digital. They are all on hard copy documents stored in city hall," he sighed.

"Then I'll just run and get it," shrugged Barry.

"You can't, thanks to recent events they set up perimeters to make sure no meta human can enter without setting off an alarm," sighed Harry.

"Well now what?" I asked as I walked towards his table.

All of a sudden his eyes shown bright, and immediately I didn't like whatever he was planning.

~3 hours later~

"You sure this will work?" I said quietly into my intercom.

"Yes, now shush!" exaclaimed Cisco.

I smiled at these two old ladies who left the city hall and entered the extravagant building.

"Mrs.Snart!?" spoke the receptionist in shock.

That's right, on this Earth I am married to Leonard Snart, who happens to be the major of Central City.

"Hi there, sorry to drop in unannounced," I smiled sweetly.

"Oh not at all, it's just you haven't been out of the house since... the tragedy," said the receptionist softly

Completely confused I replied with vague terms, "Uh, yeah. But eventually we have to start living again," I said sadly, thinking about my Leonard.

"You're right. Well, just go on in, Mayor Snart has just returned from a press conference so he should be free," said the receptionist.

I nodded and went to his office, silently thanking Cisco and Harry for showing me the blueprints of City Hall before I came here.

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