Stealing and Stuff

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Leonard Snart. Who knew that name would have such an impact on my life, a year ago I would have laughed at such a thought. But today, the thought of the man behind the name makes my knees go weak.

We are currently having a meeting, planning our upcoming heist with Mick. The Central City museum are going to put up diamonds for display for a week, before sending them to the UK.

~Skip to heist~

We had gotten to the diamonds without tripping any alarms. Just as we were about to remove the glass case, the Flash showed up.

"Forget it Snart and Y/n! There's no escape!" said The Flash.

"On the contrary, I'd like to say you just made the job easier, now I don't have to be so delicate with the job," replied Lenny before looking over at me and giving me a smirk.

Smiling I broke the glass and grabbed all the diamonds, while Leonard froze the Flash to the floor.

"Go! I'll be right behind you," he spoke while still freezing Barry.

I nodded and ran to where Mick was waiting with the getaway car.

Just as I exited the museum, I heard a voice yell "Stop, Y/n!" Turning around I saw the Flash standing there looking at me with hopeful eyes. "You don't want to do this," he spoke slowly.

"What do you even know about me Barry?!" I saud back to him.

"I know that the Y/n I knew wouldn't want to do this... breaking and entering, stealing, hurting people... Its not you," he said taking of his mask.

I rolled my eyes and smirked, "Oh Barry..." just then Lenny froze Barry's feet to the ground. I then punched Barry causing him to fall on the ground, where Lenny then froze his entire body to the ground. "When will you learn... See you at the Christmas party," I continued kissing his cheek and running to Mick with Leonard rught behind me.

We got to the car and Mick let us in. "What took you so long?" he grunted.
"Had a little run in with Y/n's old business associate and friend," said Lenny. Gruntung back a response Mick started up the car and took off.

I laughed feeling the adrenaline, putting the bag of diamonds infront of Lenny and I. Smiling Lenny leaned forward and kissed me, which in return I straddled his waist allowing me to kiss more deeply.

Pulling away and looking into those blue eyes I fell in love, I whispered into his, "Doesn't stealing diamonds make you horny," biting his earlobe before pulling back and kissing him again.


Hey there my little snowcones,

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it's a little short, sorry.

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