Chapter 3

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Luckily, my stepmom didn't find out I went to the party. Unfortunately, I was exhausted the next morning. More good news, Delia and Anya got a ride from their friend, Lucille.

I rolled out of bed and threw on a blue long sleeve shirt and black leggings. As I undid my braid from last night, I looked out the window and saw storm clouds brewing overhead. I pulled my rain boots out of my closet just as the last weave of my braid came out, loose blond waves cascading over my shoulder. I threw in a black headband and went downstairs. My stepmom was already out for the day, I was surprised she didn't wait to give me a list of chores.

I got in my car and drove to school. I walked in the door the moment the first bell rang, at least I wasn't late. I walked slowly to gym and was the last person out of the locker room. I saw Carmen standing in the middle of the gym standing with some of his friends. He looked more exhausted than I did with dark circles under his eyes, his hair ruffled and I noticed that his shorts were on backwards. The rest of his friends look energetic, whereas his handsome face looked like it could care less what was going on with the rest of the world.

August joined me. "Did you go to his party last night?"

I nodded. "You?"

He shook his head. "My grandma made me come to Bunco with her,"

"Lucky you. I'm exhausted and the party was crazy."

"Carmen doesn't look so good either, I heard somebody say he got caught by his parents,"

I got more alert at that note. "He did?" He didn't deserve that, it wasn't his fault.

"Same teams from yesterday, today we will be picking up soccer." Mr. Andrews said lazily. He tossed the ball to Carmen, it hit him in the chest and his eyes snapped open, catching it before it fell to the ground.

He yawned. "Alright, let's go."

I decided to be goalie, nobody ever volunteered for it but right now, I could barely stand and I don't think I could run up and down the gym floor without collapsing from exhaustion. Luckily, our defense seemed to be on their guard today because only one person actually kicked the ball towards the net, it went in and my team grumbled. I really didn't care.

We actually ended up winning four one, Carmen wasn't on top of his game so that was probably the only reason why we won.

I fell asleep in math, but Mr. Jackson didn't seem to notice. I tried to stay awake in English, but our conversation about Moby Dick was the most boring thing I have ever listened to, and I never think English is boring.

I got home and found a list of chores double the size of yesterday's waiting for me on the kitchen counter. I groaned as I read "Clean the gutters." Can't I have a day off once in a while? I wasn't going to get any work done if I was exhausted, so I decided to take a nap.

I dreamt about Carmen. It's unusual for me to dream about him, daydream, yes, but usually he doesn't fill my thoughts as I slept. I remember something my mom told me, "Usually when you think about somebody, they are thinking about you too." Maybe Carmen was thinking about me so I started thinking about him. That made me feel good.

It seemed like only a few minutes when my alarm clock blared, I had set it so I could sleep for two hours, it was five o'clock already. I assumed my step mom would be home around six thirty.

I finished all of the little tasks on the list first, like laundry and dishes, then I moved onto the gutter.

It was filled with leaves, muck, and a few dead birds. I was cleaning a clump of leaves when I heard someone call my name.


I looked down and saw Carmen standing on the sidewalk with his beagle.

My eyes grew wide. He couldn't see my like this.

"Eh, um, no. I am Justyna, the Saunders' maid," I tried to speak in my best Swedish accent, trying to hide my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Have a nice day," He sounded deflated. Did he actually want to talk to me? I was about to call him back, but I decided not to. I continued to scrape out the leaves.

I was even more exhausted than I was before I started.

At dinner that night (which I made), Anya and Delia were discussing prom plans. Neither of them had dates but they expected to pick one up there. Prom was in two days and I had barely started thinking about it.

"Ella, you have to pick up the girls' dresses tomorrow from the seamstress. Delia's was a bit tight." My stepmom gave Delia a death glare.

"Ok. Um, I was wondering if maybe I could have some money to buy my own dress?"

They all stared at me for a moment, then roared with laughter.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Ella, I have a list of post prom party chores for you to do for Delia and Anya. You can't go to prom, I need you home."

"But, mom! It's prom!"

"There is always next year," she spooned mashed potatoes in her mouth.

This wasn't fair! I slave away every day for them and I don't even get to go to prom!

I brought my plate to the counter and loaded it into the dish washer. The doorbell rang.

"Ella! The door!" Not even a please.

I stomped to the door and opened it.

An old figure was leaned on a cane. She had a long, pink, floral skirt with a long sleeve Oxford blouse, buttoned all the way up to her neck. Her short, grey hair was swirled into a tight bun. Smiles lines were in the corners of her blue eyes.

"Mrs. Goldman, nice to see you." I tried to sound kind even though I was still mad I couldn't go to prom.

She gave me a warm smile. "Ella dear, how have you been, my child?"

"What can I do for you?" I asked, avoiding the question about how I've been.

"I'm sorry to bother but I am moving to a senior citizen home," She grimaced when she said senior citizen. "And need some help packing up some things. Would you, Delia, and Anya care to assist my old bones?"

I heard bickering from the dining room.

"Think you have enough work for just me?"

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