Chapter 19

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"Why would you need to know if he is a good kisser?"

"Only want the best lips for my Ella."

I giggled. "Well for your information, he is a very good kisser." I replied to August.

"Speaking of kissing," He grumbled and looked over at Jack and Mia, once again, making out on the vending machine. "Whenever I want to hang out with someone, it's either they are kissing or you are on a date with Carmen."

"Are you starting to fell like a third wheel?" I put an exaggerated look of shock on my face.

"Fifth wheel would be the term."

I laughed just as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to find Carmen standing over me, his face stoic. It was his first day back at school, he hadn't even told me.

"Hey, hon," I stood up and pecked him on the cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"Can we talk?"

It wasn't the kind of "talk" we did when we went on the date. I had a feeling this was a more serious talk. "Okay."

He pulled me into the hall and crossed his arms.

"What's the matter?" Maybe he just wanted to talk about his mom, no need to freak out.

"August and Jack, your friends?"

What would he want with August and Jack? "Yes."

He wet his lips and shifted his weight. "Maybe they are becoming more than friends?"

"You seriously think I have feelings for them?" I was going to laugh but decided that this was a serious matter.

"You are spending a lot of time with them."

"So you feel like you're being neglected?" I can't believe he was playing the "you aren't spending enough time with me" card. That was the girl's job.

"I'm worried that you are trying to distance yourself from me."

"Carmen, I would never-"

He put a hand up. "If you do have feelings for either of them, which I'm not saying you do, please, save me the time. I don't want to waste life on something that wasn't real." He started to walk away.

Tears stung my eyes. "Carmen, I don't! You have to believe me!"

He turned around, his eyes were pained.

"You really don't trust me?" My voice was small.

He took a step towards me. "That's the problem, Ella. I do trust you. I don't trust myself thinking these things. I trust you so much that I feel like it's too good to be true-"

I kissed him. He needed to shut up. I know he was going through a tough time right now and didn't know who to talk to. I was a little annoyed that he thought I would do something so low, but grief changes people.

He pulled away, out faces still close.

"Let me finish, I-"

"Shut up." I pressed our lips back together.

He wrapped his arms around my back then pulled away again, his lips trailing over mine when he spoke. "I want you to know that you are too perfect, almost too good for me and-"

"I said shut up." I giggled as I kissed him again.

This time, he didn't pull away.


"Ugh! I just want those stupid, dumb cast sheets to be put up!" Mia grumbled as she sipped her smoothie.

"I know! If I spend one more day waiting, I'm going to explode." I replied.

"Wanna see a movie tonight?" She asked.

"I have Carmen's basketball game, but we should definitely rain check. Speaking of game, I'm going to be late."

"Tomorrow night sound good?"

I smiled as I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder. "Sounds like a date."

She squealed. "Bring Carmen, we can have a double date!"

I laughed and gave her a thumbs up before walking out to my baby blue truck. Carmen's problem with my friends only lasted that day, he told me that his own friends were saying things about him behind his back.

I slid into the familiar seat of my car, that wonderful smell filling my senses. I wonder if Carmen had anything that smelled like his mom.

I shifted my car into gear and pulled out of the parking lot. The school was packed, this game was going to be a crucial one, against our rivals. I quickly changed into school colors before heading inside just as the teams started to come out. My stepsisters sat in the crowd and I decided to sit next to them. I hadn't spoken to them in ages it seemed like, other than the occasional "Can you drive me to school?"

"Hey." I smiled as I plopped down next to Delia. She scowled at me and moved over so there was an open seat between us. Anya frowned at her sister and sat down next to me, giving me a smile.

"How have you been?" I asked.

She frowned again. "Delia keeps messing up our room."

"I do not mess it up!" She screeched.

The crowd stood up and burst into cheers as our basketball team ran onto to court, Carmen was third in the lineup. He smiled at me when he came out.

"Is he as good of a guy as his he looks?" Anya asked.

I nodded. "Definitely."

She sighed. "I'm never going to find a boyfriend."

"Yes you will, you just have to be patient."

The two teams got in position for the tip off, the ball went to Jeremy and he barely had it before the other team stole it from him and made a basket. I frowned. That wasn't a good way to start the game.

Carmen made the first basket for our school and we sat down.

"So, um, how has, erm, mom been?" I asked awkwardly.

"Tired. She had been doing a lot of the cleaning, she made us do some too."

"Sorry, I-"

"You shouldn't be apologizing. You have had your share of cleaning."

Delia snorted.

Why was Anya being so nice to me? I guessed she probably thought the same thing about me, since her and Delia were the ones who ripped up my prom dress.

A few more shots on both teams, we were tied. The other team called for a time out. Their coach looked angry. It was a tie, what was the big deal? Angry was an understatement, his face was bright red, his teeth clenched, he started to look violent.

The time out ended and the teams broke back onto the court. The other team made a three pointer. I bit my lip. Carmen got the ball and sprinted down the court. One of the opponents came up behind him and kicked his legs out, making it look like an accident, I could tell it wasn't an accident. Carmen fell back and his head hit the ground with a crack. The refs immediately blew the whistle and our coach rushed over to his limp body. His dad ran out too.

This was serious.

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