Chapter 9

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Music boomed from the inside of the hotel, most of the limousines had cleared out so we pulled right up to the front.

"Thank you again," I have the chauffeur a brief kiss on the cheek before rushing into the hotel. I strolled down the many hallways, getting lost a few times. The only sounds were the distant sounds of music and my heels clicking on the ground. I finally made it to the dining hall which was the prom's location. I straightened my dress, took a deep breath, then pushed the doors to the balcony open. Everyone on the dance floor heard the doors creak and turned their heads. A few people gasped, murmurs spread throughout the crowd, for a moment, then they continued to dance.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and walked down the carpeted steps to the dance floor. I searched the crowd for Mia, Jack, or August. I thought I heard someone call my name and turned my head, completely oblivious to the body coming towards me, I almost fell over from the force of the impact, but the large hands steadied me.

"Sorry, it's my second time this week," the person chuckled.

I looked up into Carmen's hazel eyes, it took me a minute to realize it was him under the mask, he looked at me too, a little confused. "D-Do I know you?" Did he really not recognize me? Should I tell him it was me?

I smiled, I could tell I was blushing, I opened my mouth to respond, but he got to it before I did.

"Don't tell me, this is a masquerade, I want to guess,"

I giggled, trying not to sound too girlish. "Ok, guess, but dance with me first,"

He smiled and pulled me onto the dance floor. It seemed like the night was never going to end, and it felt good. At first, our dancing was kind of awkward, not too bold and it just consisted of subtle swaying movements to the rowdy tune, then he held my hand and spun me around, soon our bodies touched as we danced and the dance floor got more crowded. What I was most surprised about, he didn't have a date. I was sure a guy like him would have a date. A few of his friends tried to summon him, but he stayed with me the whole night. The music got less and less rowdy, finally turning into a slow song. He stood there awkwardly for a moment, his cheeks red.

"So, would you like to dance? Uh, again?" He chuckled.

"Only if you won't step on my feet," I said coolly.

He laughed and rested his hands on my waist, his touch always sent a chill up my spine. I put my arms around his neck, trying not to be shaky. I felt like people were watching. We swayed back and forth, staring into each other's eyes. Carmen had a fire in his eyes, a determination to find out who I was.

"You never guessed," I said.

"Okay," he narrowed his eyes. "Karen Smith,"

I felt kind of offended, but laughed it off. "Nope,"

"Hmmm, Ingrid Hathaway,"

"Not even close. She is strawberry blond,"

He laughed. "Yeah, I thought it was pretty stupid,"

I finally noticed that a lot of girls were giving me dirty looks and whispering. Carmen noticed too. "Come on, let's go somewhere more private."

He pulled my hand through the dance floor and out into the hallway. We walked up a few flights of stairs. We came to a metal door on the top floor. He pushed the doors open and a rush of cool air came over me, I took a sigh of relief as we walked out onto the roof.

He led me over to a bench by the edge, overlooking the sparkling city. Cars looked like toys from this high up, lights flickered off in office buildings as people went home, tiny pedestrians roamed the street. But the most amazing part, was the sky. The sky that twinkled with trillions of twinkling lights.

Carmen pointed. "Orion's Belt,"

I smiled and wracked my brain for constellations that my mother had taught me.

"Sagittarius," I pointed to a group of stars that looked like a centaur shooting a bow and arrow.

I turned and noticed that Carmen was looking at me, smiling. "I'm a Sagittarius,"

"Oh, really," I smiled and leaned a bit closer to him. Our faces were a few inches apart.

"Regina George,"


He smirked. "I give up," Then he scooted closer, our noses almost touched.

"I pity a quitter,"

"Have mercy on my quitting soul," He held a hand up to my cheek. "Who are you?" His warm breath tickled my neck. His thumb hooked under my mask, as he moved the mask up, our faces got closer, in an instant, our lips were brushed together, then my phone buzzed and I pulled away, he released my mask.

"Sorry," my cheeks got red. Then, I realized why the timer was going off.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry, I have to go," How could I let myself go this late?!

I rushed to the door and opened it.

"Wait!" Carmen followed me back down the flights of stairs. "I never got your name!"

I didn't have time to talk, I just ran. Who knew, maybe she was home already, maybe it was better if I just stayed here so I wouldn't have to face her wrath.

He caught my wrist just on my way out the door, I didn't have time to explain to him, but I hope he got my brief explanation. I closed the space between us and pressed my lips against his. I was as surprised as he was. Why did I do that?!

I pulled away quickly, he wanted to continue. "I really had a wonderful time tonight, thank you."

And with that, I rushed out the door and down the steps of the hotel. My shoe slipped off and I didn't have time to put it back on, I ran.

My chauffeur already had my door opened for me, I hurried in and he slammed the door just as Carmen rushed towards the car. We screeched away just as he put his hand on the window, it slipped away as he disappeared from my view.

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