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"hello lads and mates!" Taurtis waved as he spoke in what he assumed was Brit.

The other Brits slightly cringed but laughed, "taurtis stop, just stop." Zee patted his white friend on the shoulder as he sighed.

"It's hot." A faint voice monotonously said. The fellow Evo guys turned to the voice and then looked down, realising their fellow Evo...was lacking in height.

"Oh no no no child, that's fire!" Netty immediately grabbed the little guy to a safe distance.  "That's there to keep us warm but don't get too close, you'd burn" taurtis slowly explained earning a few questioning look from his friends.

He breathed a sigh "uhh, this um...grian is from a creative server. He's also a builder but he doesn't know how to craft." Taurtis flailed his fingers, pointing to grian and the sky. He wasn't sure if that was right but grian wasn't denying anything either.

A few nods of understanding were expressed. Servers were weird, anything could happen.

"Then greean, do you want to build here at spawn?" Mini scooted to grian and spoke in a coddling way. "Not here for sure, It doesn't suit my pallet." He grabbed a block from his inventory, shocking the evo's.

"...what the..." The blocks the short Evo had was...oddly end blocks.

Grian noticed the atmosphere, he tried to jokingly say "ah wrong pallet." Taurtis had taught him the meaning of 'joking' and 'reading the room' but this was undoubtedly, awkward.

"...you can actually just get blocks???" Zee gasp in wonder. He was the first to voice out everyone's thoughts.

"Yeah...he was in a creative server duh!" Taurtis immediately saved his friend from explaining too much. He knew he wasn't normal but he respected the tiny Evo guy.

The other Evo's spoke eye to eye, agreeing that they'd respect this guy's privacy too.

"Ahahah, I see. You're a powerhouse greean!" The Evo joked. Others cracked on, joining the fun. "You mean a wizard!"

"You're a wizard, grian." A few Evo said in sync. They all laughed as the tiny Evo smiled, these guys were fun, he thought.

"Ah, I forgot we were supposed to eat and sleep in the first night!" The sun was slowly rising, meaning that they've passed the night conversing about a single Evo player.

"Taurtis, what is this." After a few evolution guys ate and started building their base, a few pastries were left, courtesy of Netty and mini. "It's...food?" Even if they were in creative, shouldn't grians server at least have food for energy?

"Is it a type of block?" Taurtis shook his head, "you bite on it and chew it to bits then digest. It gives you energy." 'Life' energy but taurtis doubt the little guy would understand.

"I see. How do I bite and chew?" Taurtis sighed and demonstrated.

This was going to be a long term thing, he guessed.

"Griannn!" Netty saw the little Evo place tnt in her tree house with no way to move it. She cursed lightly as she bonked him in the head, "I'll have to wait till the new update to remove it, what the heck grian!"

Grian laughed as he ran away, it was now natural to him. He was now more aware, more ambitious. "Taurtis look! I'm going to name it 'the grian empire'! Doesn't that sound cool?"

Taurtis looked up as he stopped strip mining. "Oh cool, good work grian!" He smiled at the little Evo but then frowned as he noticed a tiny mistake the tiny guy failed to cover. "Grian."

The tiny Evo who was introducing everything he had built stopped at his best friends serious face. "...what's wrong?" His smile faltered, a tiny bit of anxiety rolled in his tongue.

"This...is a sponge block isn't it?" Taurtis pointed on one of his pillars he was working on. It was indeed a wet sponge that was denying psychics at the moment. "I...I forgot..." Either he forgot to remove it or he forgot he was forbidden from using the future updated blocks, he never expressed.

Taurtis put a hand to his shoulder, "I know you aren't use to this and I'm not strictly forbidding you but what if the watcher guys see you?" Grian frowned even more.

After a few updates, a mysterious being introduced themselves as 'the watchers' they had built and guided them through the updates via riddle. However, they soon knew of their twisted ways. The watchers would either label you as good or bad, rewarding and punishing you to the degree of damage or good you've caused.

"But I won't let them see me." Grian promised. The short boy's face was blank but serious.

Taurtis nodded, grian was a strange dude, if he wanted to, he bet the little guy could indeed hide himself from the watchers. "Well I'll leave you to your empire business, I've still got to build taurtis land!"

Grian grabbed his bow and arrow, "you aren't staying?" Both smiled as they knew what was happening next. "I'll never join the empire, grian!" Taurtis raised his sword and pointed it to his best friend, "this empire is evil!" He yelled as he ran away.

"You'll never get out!" Grian spammed his arrow over to taurtis and accurately missed his target a few times. "Eh, Where'd you go?"

He stopped as he scanned for taurtis, "i-it's hard to run on ice!" Taurtis panted.

"Aha! you'll never escape the empire!"

Both laughed as they battled each other. Good old times.

The author has something to say:
Ahhh, I'm enjoying this! I've watched Evo in one sitting the last month but I've completely forgot the episode where the watchers actually build something like the towers! I'll have to watch them again, updates will be slower ig

Ps. Sorry long note but there's too little good watcher!grian fics *angry pesky bird noises*

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