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I am myself. I always was myself and I will always be myself. 

That's the same for everyone but how often do we realize that? We spend most of our day thinking about how we do something and how others might think about that. But since so many think that, why do we care about other opinions so much? Everyone's busy with themselves anyway. 

Your reality is not the only reality. You always see people around you - How must it feel to be that guy standing over there, seeing me standing here? How must it be, talking to me? 

The only reality I know is my reality. There are so many realities out there we will never be able to know since they are not ours and we don't experience them. You will never see the world through a different pair of eyes. 

The man I talked to yesterday is now doing something, thinking something, having his own reality in which he is the main character. 

In a world of 8 billion people, there are 8 billion realities and we will never get to experience another one, in the way the person does it, to whose it belongs. 

It gives me weird vibes, thinking about that. It makes me feel so small and my life so meaningless. The world will continue on and in 200 years - nothing matters anymore - Cause your reality won't exist anymore.  

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