chapter 2

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Casey laughed down at a funny part in the book she was reading it was late so the shop was practically empty except for the random college kid that had poped in to enjoy a hot cup of coffee and find a good book to buy.

"Hey Casey do you mind if I take off earlier than usual? I promised daddy I'd spend some time with him before he has to go away on business." Jenna begged, pouting slightly.

Although Jenna had grown up around money she wasn't the brat you might think, she was rather nice she had wondered into the shop a few months ago and asked for a job working in the cafe. Casey didn't really need anyone else working here and she couldn't really afford it considering less and less people were reading now and we're all about technology but she was the kind of person who had a hard time at saying no. so she had agreed and found a good friend that she could talk to.

"sure go ahead and take off I'm not expecting anymore customers tonight. "Casey smiled as an excited cheer left Jenna's mouth.

"Thank you, thank you. "she cheered before grabbing her coat from out of Casey's office and disappearing out of the door the bell ringing behind her.

After about another hour the shop was empty and Casey decided to close up and head home as much as she loved the old shop she sometimes wished it brought in more money, she had inherited the shop from the previous owner after he had passed.She quickly cleaned the cafe and prepared everything ready for tomorrow morning as Jenna was going to open in the morning and she wasn't the most prepared person.

Yawning she headed into the alley way of books making sure that everything was in its place and if she needed to order anything. finding everything in its rightful place she grabbed her keys from the office and headed for the door.

It was dark out and a chill hung in the air making Casey pull her cardigan closer to her to try and keep warm, turning the lock in the door she pushed on it double checking that the door was indeed locked before going to pull the shutters down just as she finished that a arm wrapped around her waist and another across her mouth and she screamed into his hand. she struggled aggressively against her captor even going as far as to bit hard at his skin while kicking her legs wildly.

"For fuck sake Josh where the hell is the cloth ?The bitch just bit me." her captor growled, Casey heard some one else answer the hand disappeared for a second just enough time to let out a shot for help before a cloth was pressed tightly over her face and mouth she could smell a weird yet sweet and almost chemical like smell and tryed holding her breath until her chest hurt and her lungs begged for air.

She gave in taking a deep breath her struggling became sluggish and heavy and her head foggy. Casey's legs gave out from beneath her and her fingers no longer able to grip dropped the keys to the ground her head lent back as her neck no longer seemed able to hold the weight of her head. Casey's eyes met those of her captors a few tears of fear fell from her eyes.The beautiful butter scotch eyes showed a act of sorrow as if he didn't really want to go through with what ever he was going to do.The hand was removed from her mouth yet again. However Casey didn't have energy to sum up a scream for help.

"Please."she whimpered weakly, as her sight darkened.

"I'm sorry." the voice whispered back as everything darkened as she slumped further into his arms.

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