chapter 6

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Casey couldn't sleep her ribs ached and her cheek had now swollen to twice it's normal size.Everytime she closed her eyes she saw Frank's face glaring at her and she would jolt awake she could still hear people moving around down stairs and talking loudly and she was terrified.

Casey didn't really understand what was happening and doubted anyone was in the mood to tell her right now as they seemed to be on high alert. To be honest all she wanted was to go home ,wake up in the morning to discover this had all been one bad dream ,or maybe wake up surrounded by a load of books that she had been sorting through the night before which seemed to happen quite a lot ,Jenna usually used to laugh saying she worked to hard then would promptly try and convince her to join her at one of her farther's many clubs.Of course Casey ended up turning her down like always but it never stopped Jenna from asking the same question again the following week.

Casey gasped jumping up from her uncomfortable bed, Jenna had no idea what was happening. Casey panicked knowing that tomorrow morning Jenna would arrive at work early to open up alone. They could be waiting for her. They could hurt Jenna like they did her maybe even worse she had to tell her. Make sure she was safe.

Casey knew that her captors downstairs wouldn't be willing to lend her there phones so the only option she had was either trying to find one by herself or leaving and telling Jenna face to face. The second option would be extremely dangerous but Casey had no choice, Jenna was her only friend,her best friend and she wouldn't let anyone hurt her.

Sneaking down the stairs was easier that she expected as there was no one around and the stairs didn't creek like they did in her home. The harder part was coming up, just ahead of where she stood was the main room it seemed that everyone was still there waiting for an attack as the room was packed with people.

Casey slowly and carefully stumbled quickly passed the doorway and in the direction of the corridor hoping that one of the rooms would hold a phone. Casey had decided to go with her first option of calling Jenna rather than going to see her but if she needed to she would leave. Although these people had promised to protect her it didn't mean that she trusted them ,after all they were the ones who kidnapped her in the first place and did business with people like that Frank guy.

Evan sighed waiting for Frank's men to attack it had almost been two hours since they had escaped his compound and yet not one of his guys had been spotted. It was making him nervous. Jake tapped his arm pointing towards the stairs where they had put Casey. He staired amused at the fact that she was now sneaking down the stairs her head swiveling left and right as if she expecting someone to catch her.

He grew curios when instead of heading towards the door to try and escape she headed in the direction of his office. Standing up Evan headed slowly after her knowing that his men had everything under controle and would notify him immediately if anything was wrong, besides he couldn't help but wonder what she would be doing when he arrived at his office.

Casey grinned when she spotted a phone sat on a large desk letting out an excited squeal she literally pounced at the phone.
She punched in the number that she knew by heart she sat in the large bulky yet rather comfatable black leather chair and Listened to the ringing of Jenna's phone. Just as she had began to worry that Jenna wasn't going to answer a tiered voice answered the phone.

Casey hardly even let her say hello before practically blurring out everything that had happened. Of course being half asleep and partially tipsy Jenna didn't believe a word that was said until Casey practically broke down crying.

Jenna knew that Casey never cryed not even when her scumbag of a fiance left her for a woman that was more plastic than Barbie, so she knew this was actually happening and it wasn't just some bazar dream the alcohol had brought on.

She really was in danger and Casey had been hurt and kidnapped all because of her farther and his stupid business deals.

After promising Casey that she would not go to work until this had been sorted and not leave the protection of her home she stormed towards her farthers office ready to give him a piece of her mind.

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