Chapter 10

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" Do you want to lean? " a male voice asked from behind her making her jump before spinning around and facing the unfamiliar face."I'm Chris, Evan sent me to make sure you do get yourself into any trouble." he chuckled, causing her to huff loudly.

"Why would I need to learn? When I have you lot to protect me?" Casey muttered looking back at the targets." Besides knowing my luck lately I'd just end up shooting myself or the wrong person"

Chris laughed before moving near her "True we are going to protect you, but what you fail to notice is that when Frank finally decides to attack everyone is going to be busy trying to fight them off. Sure they will keep an eye on you but what if you get cornered and there's no one around to help because we're all so busy. Wouldn't you want to be able to defend yourself?" he looked down at her his eyes strongly trying to get his point across. Casey thought about it for a moment before agreeing.

When Evan told her to go find entertainment he wasn't expecting this. Casey stood in front of Chris a pair of ear phones on her head, protected her ears from the noise of the gunshot. Chris placed the gun into Casey's shaking hands placing his own on top of hers before he allowed her to fire off her first few shots.

Casey couldn't decide if she was terrified or wanted to jump up and dance in excitement this was the most crazy yet exhilarating thing she had ever done in her life.
After a few more shots Chris decided that she was now calm enough to fire the next few shots without his aid, so he stepped back. At first she looked back at him fearfully and to ask if he was slightly crazy for leaving her holding a fully loaded handgun,but as he motioned for her to carry on a small determined look crossed her face. She turned around and fired off the last shots.

She jumped up and down as Chris brought the paper target forward so that Casey could see where she hit. A huge smile appeared on het face as she took in the many holes in the paper, okay she had to admit that most of them were on the edge of the paper and nowhere near the target a few however littered the inside area of the chest and head area even Chris steamed impressed she was definitely going to keep this.

Evan sat with a small smile on his face as Chris and Casey joined everyone in the main area. Casey had the target paper rolled up almost like a poster and held it in her hand almost protectivly. He wondered if she had managed to actually hit the target after all as soon as he knew she was in safe hands he hadn't bothered to disturb the two. After all teaching her to shoot was honestly a good idea, he only wished it had been his.

Wanting to know how well she did the guys gathered around the excited woman as she unrolled the paper and began describing her lesson with Chris. They had to admit that for a beginner that had never shot a gun before she shown potential maybe she'd be of use when all hell breaks loose but for now he'd make sure she carried on her lessons. Hell maybe he'd even make her do self-defence in case she didn't have a gun handy. After all until this was all over ,this was her life now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2015 ⏰

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