1. Somnath Roy Chowdhary weds Tupur Das, Yogendra demise

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Anirudh Roy Chowdhary, a 10 years boy belong to Tulsipur. He was motivated by Surender Chatterjee, a famous freedom fighter for our country. He often visit schools, colleges to motivate children and younger generation & Anirudh is one among them. Surender is also fond of Anirudh, he promised latter to often write letters and motivate him. From that age only, Anirudh has gained lot of knowledge from him and understood how evil customs affect society especially women life.

Tulsipur vs Krishnanagar : 28 - 29 years from current storyline, Anirudh grand father Kailashnath RC, a widower having twin boys Trilochan and Binoy (5 years) was about to marry Kalindi Das from Krishnanagar. Kailashnath father cancelled the wedding because she had humiliated and refused to treat their (RCs)servant Raji , 8.5 months pregnant lady who suddenly got labour pains before wedding rituals started. ( It is believed in olden days that if pregnant women do lot of work their delivery will be easy for them, so she is alloted lot of works at that time). As Kalindi and her entire family including many other people believe in caste descrimination, nobody had come forward to help her.

In Tulsipur, this caste descrimination is eradicated in kalishnath grandfather era only, as his life is saved by daily labour , with his influence entire Tulsipur have almost given up caste descrimination and nobody dare to raise voice against RCs. Moreover Raji is a caretaker to Trilochan and Binoy, she is working there with her husband since many years . Now seeing her pain, they immediately asked kalindi to come forward for delivery and she has plainly rejected it. Also, Trilochan urged her to treat the hurt children as she should not show this discrimination.

Her father and brother pushed younger Trilochan. With this incident, Trilochan grand father, and Kailashnath rebuked on them and called off wedding. Kalindi father pleaded not to do this for a small reason, but they wanted Kalindi's apology. She doesn't have any guilt feeling in her face. They understood that she will not give up her ego for any reason, cannot keep their principles alive.

It became delayed and some inexperienced women of Tulsipur helped Raji in delivery but she is dead giving birth to her son Bihari .

Infuriated groom family was about to leave, enraged Kalindi's brother attacked Kailashnath father and in that riots Kalindi's brother and Kailashnath father were dead. Kalindi's father became paralyzed due to son's death. Tulsipur men (especially workers of RC family) were mainly involved in this attack, seeing this Krishnanagar people also rebuked on them ( because Das family treats well and gained very good name in curing any disease). From that time onwards, Tulsipur and Krishnanagar have become complete rivals. People were asked not to fix any alliances in between these villages. Also some families have cut off their relations due to this wedding fiasco.

Kalindi and her brother has more age gap of nearly 15 years. As he was dead, she started taking care of his 2 sons Yogendra (5)and Shomik (3). Her father almost spent his life on bed. Krishnanagar people have gossiped about Kalindi behind but no one has dared to say it on her face because she is the only doctor available and treats the patients well. From these repercussions, she had almost turned stone hearted and is highly strict with her nephews.

Krishnanagar village head Rushyender Benerjee has sent a proposal for Kalindi to marry him (second marriage and he already had 12 years girl from 1st marriage. At that time Kalindi is only 15 years age). She understood the harsh realities of society and accepted the proposal on condition that she should be allowed to take care of nephews and she will fulfill her responsibilities as daughter-in-law, wife and step mother of his family. Mesmerized by Kalindi's beauty and her smartness, he accepted for it. She suffered a lot in married life, but was able to give birth to a boy in 1 year. Her position in in laws family is increased and she was given a royal treatment. Her step daughter was given less importance. Somehow she managed her husband, found a match and got her married.

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