2. Anirudh's future plan and Kalindi vicious plan

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Anirudh after meeting his family members, he immediately got ready and was about to leave to meet his mentor Surender Chatterjee, who was staying in Tulsipur and will leave to other place for that day.

When he was about to leave, Binoy asked him to meet Saudamini who is very much eagerly waiting for his arrival and told that he should get married and settle in London for his Barristry practice. Then Trilochan immediately interrupted and told: “ Binoy! Why are you saying this. We need our successor to take care of our business and lands. Somnath is a doctor and I cannot ask him to involve in business matters. Bhatuk is too young for this. We should handover our business to Anirudh so that he will take care of this.”

Binoy immediately start arguing that he has to leave for London as he has planned for expansion of business.

Meanwhile Tupur is listening all these things by hiding. Somnath instantly caught her and warned her to mend ways, not to listen other talks secretly. She asked him to handover business so that he will get more money. He was a bit irritated, but immediately laughed at her idea and told that his profession is to look after patients and give treatment. Business management is not his field and also he is not interested in it. If his brother wishes he will handle it efficiently.

Tupur ignorantly starts telling” your brother will get more money and he will handover the entire property...blah...blah..” . Somnath immediately rubbed off , took her aside and said “ Do you know anything about Anirudh? “ she said no. Then immediately he asked “ Then how can you say anything about him without having a proper idea. Is this the way to behave with family members? From many generations our family stayed together irrespective of our difference of opinions. You should not speak any word against any of them” He immediately left to hospital.

Gowri while passing near by listened their talk and told firmly: “Anirudh  and Bhatuk are very close to Somnath. They will treat you like a sister. I and your father in law have not shown any difference. Also Shubra has given her life saving your husband. We have considered your alliance because your jethu Yogendra is a honest and liable person. You should behave keeping his respect in view.”

Gowri left and Tupur has started fuming with jealousy. There in the conversation of Anirudh- Trilochan- Binoy, Anirudh told “ He came from London to practice Barristry here. Also interested in following Surender Chatterjee activities. If time permits he will also look after business matters. Regarding Soudamini, she always has shown her displeasure in letters to my thoughts and activities. She wants to settle in London and I am very much clear that I will not leave India. If she is ok with my thoughts then I can think of marraige with her. Else, none of us would be happy”.

He immediately left to visit his mentor and Somnath was about to leave to hospital, Binoy asked him to speak to Anirudh. He said that he will do it in evening once he returns back. In her room, Tupur immediately started writing letter to her mother about today’s rift with husband and mother in law. She lied to family members that she is going to temple and went to post office.

She requested post man that she will collect her letters personally and took her letter from mother. It mentioned: “ Tupur, our neighbors in Kolkata are husband and wife. Husband is highly educated and working in govt office. Wife is illiterate.Husband was irritated with this and started going to Hiramandi. You need to be very careful about your husband. Make sure that he is loyal to you. Your father does less work than your jethu, so I have no control on money matters. But you should take treasure keys from your mother in law. Be alert every time. Take care. If anything is there write a letter immediately"

Tupur carefully hidden her letter in her clothes. 

Meeting with Surender Chatterjee: Surender is very much happy receiving his favorite mentee, he enquired about studies and delighted to know that Anirudh wants to settle in India and practice Barristry here. Surender told that I will be going on an important work after 1 week, as I was assigned an important work from National party. Before leaving, I want to go to Devipur village and meet Yogendra’s daughter and wife. Anirudh enquired if he belong to Krishnanagar and was the same person who settled differences between Krishnanagar and Tulsipur when he was child. Latter replied yes and told that he was dead few months before, also he is Tupur baudi jethu/ kaka.

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