9 A big tragedy in RC family, Somnath second marriage

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Next day while started to school, village head and other panchayat members came to RC haveli  and raised their refusal against girl get educated. Other girls will also get attracted towards it and this craziness of education will become severe problem to society.

Anirudh Bonditha reprimanded them that education is quiet necessary for girls. One villager asked what is the use of getting educated, will they go out and work. House management is the major responsibility of women.

Then Bonditha replied either to run house or to go out and work, education is quiet necessary. She told “When my father expired, my mother is left like an orphan. My kaka left to other place. My mama took her innocence , ignorance as advantage. If she is educated, will she be dependent on other. We women have to lead our life without help of men. Education will be a light in darkness. Remember that you are insulting our goddess by insulting me.” She pointed to everyone and spoke with aggressive voice.

They are unable to tell anything but to demotivate her, they spoke with Anirudh “Look at her Barrister Babu! In front of you and her in laws, she is raising her voice. What kind of daughter in law you have got. Tomorrow she will raise voice against her husband and bring him to his feet. She is not any bird to fly in sky, she is a woman who should be bound to house, her in laws, especially her husband.”

Anirudh shouted “Enough! I heard enough of your non sense. We need a woman to give us birth, to play with us a sister in childhood, a wife to live with us. Just tell me can we manage things without her. We men go out for work and come late. In our absence, if any necessity occurs who will help them. Education will help everyone to deal the issues tactically and not to fall into trap of any wrong persons. If husband dies, education will be useful for woman for survival of her and her children. I am proud of my wife for raising her voice in front of me. She will bring change “Tark se fark mitayenge”. She will work hard and become Barrister Babu. I will make her Barrister Babu. If necessary, in the future she will argue against me and I am obiliged. Right now, she need to go to school and I should leave to court. We don’t want to argue on unnecessary things and waste our time.” Anirudh folded hands by saying it. He hold Bonditha’s hand and left. Bhatuk joined them. Trilochan and Gowri didn’t say anything.

Bonditha is struggling in school with class teacher Jayant, but able to manage her studies. she has prepared well and able to give proper answers to Jayant master. Other teachers are slowly getting impressed with this girl.

To have control on peeing, she is drinking  less water. Mischievous students ate her tiffen box on other day but still she didn’t rebuke on them. In turn back bench students and Bhatuk  and his friends offered their box. She ate and thought that although facing many hardships finally result of loyalty and hard work will be fruitful.

She helped back bench students in studies and one day to everyone especially To Jayant Master shock, they answered to the  teachers' questions. It is like a high voltage shock who didn’t have any expectations from them. Bonditha started clapping and immediately everyone has clapped. They burst into tears 😭, out of emotion they even folded hands infront of her and promised that she is their sister and will take care of her safety. Anirudh who came at that time to pick up Bonditha and Bhatuk saw this and praised her “Bravo Bonditha”. She is extremely happy. But Jayant Master fumed in jealousy. Anirudh is checking her performance daily and teaching her.

Jayant master tried to plot against her in manipulating her marks in prefinal exams. He announced that she scored less than 50% marks and insulted in assembly. But she didn’t keep quiet. She asked him to show answer papers. He is shocked, but accused that she is trying to throw blame on me.

Bonditha said “I didn’t say that I am trying to put blame on you. Then why are you hesitating to show me papers. As per you, I am guilty, why are you tensed to show me. I will answer all the questions right now in all subjects."

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