34 Love and career to go hand in hand

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Both the couples have reached Calcutta and back to their home. Catherine made a grand welcome to them praising that they became big shots of entire Bangal.

Binoy also came and happily greeted them. Reformers from Brahmo samaj and 3 journalists ( who had done coverage in Bhano case) from Bangal khabar have arrived there and adorned Anirudh with garlands. But Anirudh politely refused and told that it is not his sole credit but his wife Bondita, Tapur and Bhatuk, Krishnanagar village head Devnath and Jogi,our journalists along with my friend Gagan and his team has contributed alot in reforming Krishnanagar. They praised him and raised doubt that why detailed coverage is not given in all newspapers, also we feel that  there is something is missing in this news. How can Bhano get some vigorous punishment for just harrassing and false imposition of cases against innocent people. I think there is something more in this.  Are there any other atrocities done by him which you are not willing to reveal to the outside world.

One Journalist named Palash is about to reveal something 'Sir, what actually happened is, he not only...'

Bondita is tensed that if he mentions about Bhano harrased Krishnanagar women then their respect will be in stake.

Anirudh immediately realised what he is going to say and stopped him in between. He told social reformers that "Actually special article is going to come tomorrow and we will publish in detail. Will we consider a loss only if he takes life of a person. Bhano has given immense psychological torture to many families. He made many of them as his slaves, imposed false cases. Is it not enough.  He is also punished for doing illegal business which includes illegal weapons, food adulteration godowns.  That's it. You all please leave now. We shall meet soon on conducting awareness programmes about education, stopping child marriages in Krishnanagar and surrounding villages."

Social reformers folded hands and left. He asked Palash and other journalists to come to his study  room.

Anirudh shouted on Palash : 'What are you going to do Palash? Are you trying to reveal that Bhano harrased women in Krishnanagar? Didn't I warn you all previously that we are not going to mention about their names in this case?'

Palash: Sir, when did I say that we shall mention their names? Who will come to know that who are actually harrased by Bhano ? If we make special article about women harrasment, our paper will get more fame, become top newspaper, sponsors will come forward and business will expand ...

Before he is about to complete,.. Anirudh screamed on top of his lungs.. Everyone came there.

Anirudh in dj voice: Palash, have some sense before talking. Do you want to make money by publishing sensitive topics in paper and disrespect all women. Neither Mukeshji nor I will support this unethical thing.  If you try to do any such thing I will not spare any of you at any cost Palash. Remember that you are not only speaking with your boss but also with a Barrister.

(With little tremble  in voice he continued..)

Don't you know that Women harrasment is a sensitive topic. Even though we don't mention their names, if outside world come to know something like this has happened with Krishnanagar women nobody from outside the village will come to fix alliances with them.  Society and surrounding villages, their relatives whoever don't know about this will come to know and will pass either sympathy glimpses or lustful or disgusting glimpses to women, keep on recollecting their traumatic incidents. Will not let them move forward towards progression.  Have you not seen that with much difficult many of them have promised to encourage women education, abolish child marriages, sati practice. Don't you try to spoil our and especially their  attempts. If we do so, entire Krishnanagar women's respect will be in stake irrespective of any mishap happened or not.  Their courage to reform themselves will be shattered.

Anidita: Anmol JodiWhere stories live. Discover now