38 Child marriages in RC family 😲

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Anirudh Bondita spent 2 days ( including late nights) to go through previous case files of Ghoshal case, the reason behind one Inspector commiting suicide. But they discovered through postmortem reports  that whoever committed suicide didn't take any drugs, poison or any brain affecting medicines. Then how come suddenly they have committed suicide is the biggest point?

Later they  travelled to Ghoshal sisters villages Radha and Mala houses to gather information. They used different methods to gather information, threatened them that they are secret police officers of British government, bribed their maids.

In Radha house, it was discovered that Radha had 2 children - Kumuda and Biren. Kishorilal was personally meeting them every month after her demise and giving them monthly expenses. He used to speak softly with them. sometimes Upendra also used to meet them, used to participate in their hardships as well as in happy moments. But Kumuda had committed suicide hanging to the top roof because she had an affair with a British officer and crossed limits had physical relationship and  out of guilty she had given up her life. But the confusing fact in her story is that British officer Mathew is working in far away place near to Darjiling area. She didn't go anywhere out of her village.  Neither she had met him in her village nor did he. Then how come they have feelings for eachother and that too she just caught train, went to his place and had made physical relationship. How could they cross their limits without deep interaction or any bonding in background is the major question.

After kumuda death Biren had lost his mental balance. He used to scare and rebuke on Kishorilal as he is a demon but latter had excused him , used to soothe him and used to send medicines for his treatment.

When Anirudh Bondita are standing near by house  enquiring a maid about further details, kishorilal came with medicines . Anirudh Bondita have hidden and observing everything. But Kishorilal had not seen them

Biren is beating mercilessly trying to harm Kishorilal,  his father (Radha husband) is shouting on his son to stop this misbehavior..but Biren is not stopping

  Kishorilal is peacefully handling him pressing some pressure points made him to sleep, asked him to listen to his words, look into my eyes,...you are only listening to me,..you are only listening to me.

..now you will sleep . Biren had followed his commands and slept.

Radha husband bursted into tears, blaming his late wife for having this mental imbalance which came as heritage to their children and his life is spoiled completely. Neither he had any happiness or pleasure in marriage because of wife and children.

In this old age he still had to take care of his insane son. Moreover every year either ( law) college students will come for enquiry and sometimes police will do enquiry. He mentioned to Kishorilal that one man and woman (Anirudh Bondita) came for enquiry. Kishorilal smiled peacefully and said why should we worry, everyone knows the truth.

Kishorilal consoled him and told that it is all because of karmaphal which he can't escape, made him sit on chair and asked him to relax,..relax... everything will be fine.. everything will be fine...I will take care of you....just listen to me..

He felt peaceful in Kishorilal words and latter left.

Maid (of more than 60 years) who is also witnessing all this told 'Shehar babu, this kishorilal is a God. He always used to console everyone who are in pain, sorrow. Everyone will find solace in his words.'

Anirudh Bondita looked at her in thoughts and nodded

Second sister Mala house is locked and is told by Neighbours that none used to stay here after mala demise. Her husband also became insane and murdered a gunda and he too stabbed himself. Shocking thing is Mala husband doesn't have any rift or enemity with Gunda.

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