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Sirens blast through the silence of a calm street that springs awake at this late hour of the night, but you know it's pointless. By the description you heard of the victim, it sounds like he'll be dead before they reach the hospital. It may sound heartless, but in your opinion it's a shame, because now a lot of the evidence that would have helped you and your partner catch whoever did this will be compromised.

It even sucks more because said partner is your emotionally unavailable fuck budy who thinks he's on some high moral mission to talk shit about every unconventional method you use to get results; even if your methods had made you the detective with the highest solving rate of the whole precinct.

Jeon Jungkook, probably the hottest man in all of the force, who would use you as his personal blow up doll every time he would strike him fancy's, was also your bitter widowed partner who had made your life impossible ever since he'd been assigned as such 3 years ago. Not that you were very in tune with your feelings yourself, given the fact that your whole family was murdered when you were 15, and that your job was to literally stare at dead bodies and bloody crime scenes on an everyday basis; but he definitely was further ahead in the fucked-up scale. You had never, in all the years you've known him, seen him genuinely laugh, or at least happy for that matter.

Only a few months into your partnership you had started to unavoidably hook up, but he had never been romantic with you. He had never opened up or even taken you out on a date. It would always be nasty, animalistic sex on a public bathroom, the evidence room, on rare occasions on either of your apartments, or even dark alleys when he couldn't wait.
At first it would make you feel cheap and used, but as time went by, you got used to it. Now it was something that would happen every few days, and neither of you would talk about it afterwards. You didn't even liked his personality that much, but for a workaholic like you who didn't have any desire to date or go out, yours and Jungkook's arrangement worked out perfectly. Another detached, traumatized workaholic such as yourself who also happened to be hot as fuck and at least had the decency to make you cum, was nothing if not convenient.

As soon as you arrive to the crime scene, you get out of the driver's seat, while Jungkook exits his with his usual arrogant demeanor. The crowd of forensics and police officers already swarming the stairs of the apartment building turn their heads to look at you as you approach them. Not just to catch a quick glimpse of your attractive visuals, but out of respect and admiration. If only Jungkook appreciated those things as well, but that's a ship that has long sailed. You had already accepted the idea that him and you would never be in an actual relationship, and honestly speaking, that wasn't the most terrible thing in the World.

Ever since your family had been murdered and the police hadn't been able to find the culprits, you had become somewhat obsessed with justice. So much so, that you could honestly say you had never fallen in love, or traveled, or done anything fun like that since before the incident. Being in and out of foster homes and being exposed to so many horrors so early on in life had made you indifferent to trivial things; and ultimately led you to pursue your current career. Everyone knew in the precinct that you weren't interested in social events or relationships, so every potentially interested man or woman that found you attractive knew better that to try to hit on you. Jungkook on the other hand, probably saw that as a pro, given that after the death of his wife he had completely shut out the World and was only interested in casual sex. You didn't know exactly how she had passed or his whole back story, but it cannot have been pretty. At least you were polite to your coworkers, but he didn't seem to care at all about anyone but himself.
The two of you made it up the stairs before a fellow officer briefs you about the situation.
-The name of the victim is Edward Norton, mid 40's, highschool English teacher, loved by the community, no enemies or apparent motive to hurt him...
-Why would a school teacher need a safe?- inquired Jungkook after browsing through his bedroom to find a small black safe under the bed.
-Is the victim dead, Arthur?- you asked without much preamble.
-He just died 2 minutes ago.
-Officially a murder scene...- you heard Jungkook behind you.
-Let's bring that safe in, if there's a lot of money in it, let me know ASAP...and we need to talk to the students...
-You mean the principal first...- interrupted Jungkook while some of the forensics looked at each other awkwardly, an effect that the two of you's usual tension would cause in those around you.
-Sure, I love wasting time...- you muttered sarcastically while taking mental note of every angle of the luxurious apartment before leaving the surprisingly neat crime scene -...Arthur let me know if any prints or something else comes up...
You left once again frustrated that you had to deal with your partner's constant critical attitude, wishing you could just work alone.
Why did he have to be such a jerk? At this point, his partnership was more of a hindrance than a help.
10 minutes later of you leaning on the car, waiting for him to get back seemed like an eternity when he approached you with a hostile expression. He came close to you and reached out his hand enough to graze the side of your hip, but a second later you understood it was not your skin he was reaching for, but instead the car door behind you.
-I'll drive...
-Sure...- you reponded bracing yourself for another one of your usual arguments.
He waited until you got in to drive away from the crowd of policemen and parked in an alley that was adjacent to the building.
-You made me look stupid up there- he started off taking his tattooed hand of the wheel with a contentious expression.
-I'm just fucking tired of you questioning my every move in front of everyone...
-Well I wouldn't if you weren't always trying to get us in trouble...- he replied calmly but obviously holding back from saying a lot more.
-All I care about is putting murderers behind bars, maybe you should try it!- you snapped back already raising your voice.
-Shut the fuck up...- he replied with a warning gaze that sent a chill through your spine...
-You know what, Jungkook, how about you show me some fucking respect. I'm older, more experienced, and honestly better at my job than you, so...
A malicious half smile formed in his beautiful face before he grabbed the front of your shirt and pulled you towards him, where you could inhale his addictive sex scent. His big, glowing eyes stared deep into yours but all you could see is hate in them.
-What? Should I call you Noona?- he said salaciously
-Let go of me...- you said between gritted teeth as he kept forcing your torso towards him.
-Or what? Are you gonna report me? Are you also gonna tell them how much you like it when I lick your pussy? Calling me daddy, daddy, fuck me, please...
-I said let go of me! -you replied as you pushed him against the window completely loosing your patience...
You got out of the car before slamming the door and leaving him there on his own. At this point you would rather get a ride home from anyone else but him, yet as you walk away infuriated by his douchy attitude, you notice slimy moisture in between your legs and a hungry feeling in your core that sadly, won't be saciated tonight.

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