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Thomas Huxley... He's sitting at a small outdoor cafe reading something on his phone while the waitress calls his attention. She kindly requests him to order, but he just mumbles what he wants rudely, and dismisses her with a hand gesture.
You're sitting a couple tables away from him pondering the best way to approach someone like him. He looks okay for someone his age, but not attractive at all. Gray hairs all over, bags under his eyes, thin chapped lips... At least his body seemed somewhat fit, but he was several leagues below someone you would actually date; especially considering his manners.
You figure there's no point in trying to appear like you find him attractive, and instead seem like an educated gold digger. That would be more believable.
You walk up to him and pretend like you're just getting a look at him right then.
-Hi Sir, sorry to bother you, are you by any chance Thomas Huxley?
-Yes...- he answers slowly, peaking over his phone to take a good look at all the skin your short summer dress exposes.
-Oh wow, my little brother is obsessed with you... Could I get a picture?
-Sure...- he takes forever to answer, since he seems unable to multitask his ogling with speech.
Jungkook is listening to everything you say through a microphone, and observing you from far away in his car.
-That's a nice watch...- you mention while smiling for the picture, and subtly taking hold of his right bicep. On your earpiece you hear Jungkook exhaling loudly. You've had reservations about him joining you for this but he had insisted to be your backup just in case.
-Thank you...
-Thank you Thomas, have a nice day...- you reply with as much flirtatious charm you can gather and it works as expected.
-Would you like to join me?- he replies immediately.
-I would love to...- you don't think you've ever faked a smile as wide as the one you plaster on your face...
For the rest of the afternoon you listen submissively to Huxley talking about his business, politics, his money and it's hard for you to not fall asleep. You, in turn, realize the need to take matters into your own hands if you don't want to spend more than a day pretending to like the arrogant jerk, so you take off the earpiece concealedly and make it a point to turn up the heat.
Somehow the conversation lands on his house, and you mention being an art curator. How much you'd love to do the job for free if he talked about you with his friends; but you needed to see his place first and what would work for it. All of that while giving him flirty eyes, showing cleavage, and using your foot to caress his ankle.
His hesitation fades away once you show him a fake Instagram account you had prepared for the occasion with fake photos of your previous work and flirt even more. He mentions setting up an appointment but you say you actually have time right now and he agrees to take you to his place. The whole ride over there he spends it making not so sutil advances in hopes of kissing you but you dodge them by talking nonstop about art.
Finally you arrived to his lavish mansion when your anxiety was peaking high, since the topics of conversation were running out. He leads you in while you held his hand, thinking Jungkook must be hating this as much as you.
-Wow Thomas, this place is amazing!
He seems pleased with himself and offers you a drink after taking off your jacket, devouring you with his tired looking, electric blue eyes.
He goes on and on about himself while you try to do some reconnaissance on his whole place, now that he's leading you to some sort of secondary living room. It's harder to keep him from getting too handsy now that he's home. He feels in control, like you're a prey whose tail got caught in his trap; but it's the other way around.
Finally it appears as if he reached his boiling point, when he grabs you firmly by your waist, lowers one of your dress' straps and whispers in your ear with his musty, ragged breath.
-You're driving me crazy, kitten, let me show you the bedroom...
And that's all you need to elbow him in his face so hard that he drops to the ground whimpering and moaning about his bloody face.
-BITCH!!!- he screams angrily before Jungkook busts through the front door, with his gun pointing at him, while you pull out yours from the gun strap in your inner thigh.
-That's enough dickhead! Show me your office!- you demand with exasperation, so much for going undercover...
He reaches for his phone in panic but Jungkook kicks it out of his hand and quickly pulls him up like the older guy weighs nothing. Then chokeholds him so he can't scream either, all in the blink of an eye.
-If you scream, I'll snap your neck like a twig...- your partner threatens in a serious tone even though you know he doesn't mean it.
-Now listen here Thomas...- you flash him your badge as you point the gun closer and closer to his crotch-... you probably don't know me but I'm known to break the rules every now and then, meaning that if I have to crush every bone in you to get what I need, I will do that... and you better not lie to me because I have an integrated bullshit detector right here...- you said taping the tip of your gun to your head a couple of times.
Jungkook's hold on the guy was so firm he could barely breathe, but he still showed resistance.
-Now... you're going to take us to your office, so we can get as much incriminating information as possible from your computer...
-Fuck you, you're not allowed to do that!
You signal Jungkook and he grabs one of Thomas' arms and hold his wrist steady. Before he can even understand what's going on, you firmly bend his little finger to the side until it breaks with an acute cracking sound. Jungkook covers his mouth as Thomas starts squeling rabidly, his face flushes red and sweaty.
-I don't like doing this Thomas, but I don't have much time, so it's in your best interest to cooperate...- you speak calmly even when your heart is beating fast and you would rather be anywhere else.
Soon enough Huxley submits and gives you instructions to arrive to his office in between cries of desperation. He tells you his password and you login to his computer. The first thing you do is delete the security footage and deactivate all the cameras, then you insert Kenny's trusty flash drive.
You call Kenny after a few seconds, with your heart still racing.
-How dirty is he?
-Very, you have enough to lock him up for a long time.
You smile with relief, now that you know this was not in vane, and nod in approval to Jungkook.
-Ok Thomas, I'm gonna cut a deal with you...- you triumphantly direct your dialogue to him -...You can either do as I say and do no time, or you can rot in prison. Do you understand?
He seems hesitant for a second until you signal Jungkook to grab his wrist again.
-Good, you're a smart man...
You pull out a chair for him to sit, and you sit in front of him.
-What I need is really easy... We know you are in Atraz... You're gonna take me to one of their parties, as your date...
-They don't let us take dates! They have hookers!
-How about if I was your fiancé ... Can you call and find out?
-I'm sure, no... if you were my wife perhaps... but everyone knows I'm not married...
-But we could say we just got married right? we can forge some papers...

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