I let out a groan as the shouting started up again. The only time we ever got peace was when everyone was sleeping. Even then it was sometimes short lived, because Killian couldn't stop playing pranks on us.
"I'm going to go see what Killian did now, okay?" I asked Dustin, turning to him.
He gave a small nod and stood up, switching me in my seat.
"So what you do, you give a left on the next turn, okay? I don't know how long I'm going to be there." I warned him, giving him a thumbs up and walking out into the battlefield of shouts and whining.
"Don't put plastic wrap on doorways, dammit!" I heard Talon scream at the female as he chucked a pillow at her face.
I let out a groan, staring at the two, throwing pillows at one another and shouting madly. "Okay, back the buck up and stop this madness—" I let out a growl as a pillow connected with my face.
"Who threw that? Killian, stop placing plastic wrap all around the doorways or you'll die with it around your head. Talon, stop acting like a young child." I scolded, crossing my arms.
"I do not act like a young child!" he protested, scowling.
"Shush." I snapped, putting my palm out towards him, turning to Killian. "Can you stop with the plastic? It's getting a bit old." I told her.
"I'll find something else to prank you guys with—"
"The hell you will, stop. No. Let's get everyone to at least friends," I paused, my eyes glancing over to Talon and I grimaced. "Okay maybe not everyone, but most of us."
"If that even happens, but anyways I'm hungry!" Killian whines, stomping her feet on the floor.
"Can anyone cook?" I called out, hoping someone can. "Or at least make a sandwich? Me in a kitchen means disaster."
"I can!" Dustin called out from the front, turning around in the seat. "Why can't you make a simple sandwich?" he asked me.
"I don't like making food. I've done it enough." I grumbled, flopping onto the seat in between Killian and Talon.
Dustin let out a shout as he jerked the wheel to the right, sending me flying onto Killian, who pushed me onto Talon. Who pushed me onto the floor.
"Seems you're about as graceful as a drunk swan on crack." Talon called to me, a small smirk on his face.
I let out a growl as I kicked his shin, crawling away from them both. "Why'd you almost kill me, Dusty?" I yelled, watching him poke his head around the corner.
"Cause we're stopping, so I can become a chef. Cause you're too lazy." he snorted, walking past me and into the kitchen.
I rolled my eyes and sat up, twisting my fingers. "We need to get moving, Waterville Point isn't for another 7 hours or so." I said quickly, starting to stand.
"Lu, don't. You need to slow down."
I stared up at Killian gave a frown. "M-my soul mate..he or she could be moving right now!" I exclaimed.
Talon gave a small growl, standing up and going into the kitchen. "Dustin how long does it take to make sandwiches, god damn."
I stared at him, frowning and sitting on the seats as I laid my head back, shutting my eyes.
I've done so much in just a few days. How many has it been? Who knows. All I know is that I've met three crazy people, and my mom probably thinks I'm a fugitive. Wow. Good job, me.

Traveling Souls
RomanceEveryone over the age of fifteen has an identical scar running down the center of their chest. This is the age that we get our new hearts, hearts that beat in time with our soul mate's and glow when we are near them. Some of us have it easy, their s...