Chapter 8

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"Killi, are we there yet?" I whined, poking her shoulder.

"Look who's impatient now, huh, Lu."

"It's been like 5 hours!"

"Yes, we're almost there. Look, you can see the town in the distance." she said, patting my shoulder.

"Finally," I replied, rolling my eyes and standing up to stretch. "I'll go get Dusty and Talon."

"Okay, have fun."

I gave a nod and sneezed, letting out a groan. "Killian, I'm going to kill you!" I shouted, making my way to Dustin and Talon's room.

"Knock knock, it's time to get out of your room and into the main room." I told them through the door sweetly. I heard no reply, and I gave a small groan as I opened the door. They were sleeping. Of course.

"Killian, do you have an air horn or something of the sorts?" I asked her as she appeared right next to me.

"We're here, but yes, I do. Why?"

"I'd hate to ask why you have one, and how more likely, but can I have it?"

"It's a bit tiny. I always keep it in my pocket." she explained sheepishly, handing me the small air horn.

"How have I not seen this sticking out of your pocket? I asked her, staring at it.

"If you haven't noticed, you're not the least bit observant. You're always racing." she shot me a look as if to say, 'slow the hell down, girl'.

I gave a small snort and stuck the air horn inside, pressing the button. We weren't talking about that, Brinley said the same thing. A loud noise came from the can, and I gave a grin as I winced, trying to block out the noise. I quickly retreated from the door when I heard a thump and shouting.

"Here you are, Killi." I said, giving her back the air horn as she stuffed it into her jacket pocket.

"What the actual hell?"

"Wake up call, boys. Get your shit together so we can go and find Ink's owner!" Killian shouted, bursting into the room.

"If you're going to wake us up like that everytime, count me out with traveling." Dustin muttered, going to find a shirt.

Talon laid there with an arm over his eyes, ignoring us.

"Make sure he follows, Dusty." Killian said with a grin.

I peaked over Killians shoulder, rolling my eyes. "Let's go." I called, sneezing. "Damn it."

"Shh, don't swear, it sounds weird when you do!" Killian complained, picking up the dog that had scurried out of Dustin's room.

Oops. I may have forgotten the dog was in there. Poor dog.

"Shut up."

"Let's go, come on. If they take longer than 5 minutes I'm going to kick their asses." Killian muttered, following me, dog in arms.

"We're here, chill yourselves." Talon growled, crossing his arms and glaring at us.

"Like the way you were woken up?" Killian said sweetly to the two, turning towards me.

"Okay guys, so obviously we're fugitives, since we've pretty much kidnapped two Soul Squadron members.." I muttered, turning to the window.

People scurried by, giving us no less than a passerby glance. The houses were nice and clean, most were cream colored, others were white. Some kids were playing outside, others were sitting on the ground and benches, talking or just relaxing.

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