Chapter 17

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I stared outside the RV, watching the trees blur past. Dustin and Talon are taking driving duty, and according to Killian we'd be there in another day or so. I glanced longingly to the front, my heart lurching.

Killian was hitting it off with Julian, surprisingly, but Talon and Dustin stayed silent and brooding.

"..And so the bear ran off. All because I looked larger than normal." Julian barked out laughter along with Killian, who loved his stories about living in the woods.

"That's awesome! Why'd it run off though?" Killian exclaimed, leaning forwards.

I rolled my eyes as they got into a heated discussion about why it ran off, Killian's reason being it saw his face. Sure, Julian was violent and rude and perverted, but he wasn't a bad guy.

"Hey, Luce?"

I jumped and turned towards the front, expecting to see Talon standing there, but instead I realized the voice came from next to me, where Julian was sitting. "Yeah?" I asked, ignoring the sinking feeling my stomach gave.

"Do you think a bear would run off when it saw this face?" he asked, pointing to his face.

I flicked my eyes over to Killian, who was nodding wildly. "Yeah. Can't blame it." I replied, though I felt slightly bad when I saw hurt flash across his face.

"Oh really." he said, lifting me up over his shoulder. "Say sorry and I'll let you down." He teased, standing up.

"L-let me go!" I shouted, punching his back. I glared as Killian fell onto the ground with laughter, holding her stomach.

"Not until you say sorry!" he said, shifting me to the other shoulder.

"Fine, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I said, heaving a sigh of relief as my feet touched the ground.

"Having fun there?"

I jumped and turned around, facing Dustin. "Dusty.."

"It's switch time." he replied coldly, sending Julian a glare.

"I see. Killian, would you want to.."

"I will." Julian offered, smiling at me. "I think it's my turn, isn't it?" he said cheerfully, ignoring Dustin's sounds of disapproval and made his way to the front.

I shot Dustin a 'told you so' glance and he scowled, leaving the room. Killian followed in suit, glancing at me worriedly.

I shook my head and went up to the front, raising my eyebrows as I saw Julian and Talon talking as if they were not enemies, as Dustin had put it. "Everything alright?" I asked, putting my hands on Talon's seat.

"Yeah, everything's fine. We were just talking about how you butt in our conversations all the time." Julian teased, while Talon stayed silent.

I nodded, releasing my grip off the seat. "I see. Well, I'd better go. Bye." I muttered, my heart sinking down to my stomach as I realized Talon was still giving me that famous cold shoulder. I felt eyes on my back but ignored them, missing Talon's annoying quips and his taunting.

Killian waved to me, leaning against Dustin slightly, staring out the window.

"Hey, Killi, Dusty," I spoke hesitantly at first before shaking off my nervousness. I raised my eyebrow at their closeness, and had to force myself not to smile in excitement. "Can you two help me prank Talon again? I kind of miss him being the annoying Talon instead of the solemn one."

Dustin opened an eye and looked at me. "You know, if Killi wasn't here I'd probably be still in my room, but she dragged me out here to apologize."

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