I took a gulp of air, shaking as I stood up and followed Killian out slowly, trailing behind her. I started to force myself to hurry, freezing when I saw the crimson substance that was soaking the road. I heard the faint voice of Killian asking the man if he was alright, how long ago, the natural stuff, I'm assuming.
"Hey, buddy, it's going to be okay. Listen, lady, lift his leg up so his blood won't run out as fast. How long ago did this happen?" she snapped at her, starting to rip the bottom part of the shirt to form a makeshift bandage.
"I-it happened about 30 minutes ago." she stuttered to Killian. She struggled to lift the man's leg up.
I took in heaving breaths, turning away and gripping my shirt.
"Okay, lady, now that it's secure, please keep the leg raised,and we'll put him in the RV in a few moments." she told her, keeping calm. "Sir, can you move your leg at all?" she asked him.
I'm assumed he nodded, because she gave a small sigh of relief. I felt a hand on my shoulder and Killian turn me around.
"Listen, Lu, it's okay. the blood is gone, I covered the wound. We'll be okay." she whispered, giving my shoulder a squeeze before motioning to me to follow her.
I took another shaky breath and gave a weak nod, shuffling after her.
"Okay, sir, me and Lucy here are going to help you up." she spoke to him calmly, taking his arm.
I quickly scurried around to the other side, bending down and putting his other arm around my shoulder. "On the count of three, okay?" I asked her, and she nodded. "1...2...3!" I sucked in a breath and lifted up the man, grunting from the effort. Curse my weak legs and arms.
We struggled to get him there, but I thank myself for not buying one with stairs. "So," I said nodding to Killain to set down the man on the couch. We both grunted, my body slipping under his and I gave her a weak smile. "What happened?" I asked her, motioning for her to sit down next to him. Her brown hair was all over the place, sticking up, most likely from her pushing it back constantly with fear.
My eyes glanced to the cloth that was wrapped around the wound, and I averted my eyes before I felt too sick again. I've never been good with blood, really.
"Y-you see," she hiccuped, wiping her eyes and I could see she was really dramatic, even so. "Me and my husband, Nicolas, we were walking, going to visit my family in Pinebridge. About half the way there, we heard some rustling, but we both assumed that it was a squirrel or something of the sorts." she explained shakily, holding her husbands hand.
Her husband wasn't that big, but he wasn't small, either. He was a black haired man with green eyes, along with some black stubble littering his jaw.
The man looked back at her and gave his wife a weak smile, trying to give her assurance.
"There was this, this group of people. About five, I think. Three guys, two girls. They just, surrounded us and, I don't know! It was all a blur." she wailed, throwing her head back.
"You see, I'm sorry."
We both jumped as we heard a scratchy voice, different from the lady.
"My wife is very, dramatic, about certain things. I'll explain." he shot us an apologetic look before clearing his throat. "They surrounded us, and some girl with wild, hazel eyes came forwards, shouting at us to give back what she had lost. She was yelling about a girl who she loved like a sister, or maybe it was her sister, I'm not sure." he shrugged it off. "Anyways, when we tried to explain to the crazed girl that we didn't have her sister with us, she leapt towards Marissa."

Traveling Souls
RomantizmEveryone over the age of fifteen has an identical scar running down the center of their chest. This is the age that we get our new hearts, hearts that beat in time with our soul mate's and glow when we are near them. Some of us have it easy, their s...