Chapter 24

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A few days pass, and the phrase still goes through my head.

Sitting in the front of the RV, I glance over to Dustin sitting beside me quietly. Clutching the wheel tighter, I cross my legs in urge to stop the nervousness from growing. "Hey, Dusty,"

He turned his head towards me, raising an eyebrow. "What's up Lucy?"

I sighed, shrugging. "It's about what Julian had said."

He turned away from me to stare out the windshield, a look of exasperation on his face at the mention of the boy. "What about it?"

"About..about me being broken."


He didn't talk for a while, but his eyes shut and he sighed every once in awhile.

"Lucy. Julian, he's not," he broke off, rubbing his temples. "He's never been a nice person. I'd hate to think that someone like you would ever be soulmates with someone like him. I don't know. I doubt, and I don't doubt people much, that you'd be the one broken."

I slow the RV down, turning to look at him. He has such hope in his eyes, it makes me feel hopeful. "Yeah..I don't think any of us are broken, Dusty. I think we'll all find our soulmates." I say, giving him a smile.

Funny how a few sentences and the look of hope can change my mood. "Do you see a place where we can stop at? I feel the need to get out of the RV and into the wild again,"

Dustin gave me a grateful smile and continued to search. "I was thinking the same thing, really. I don't see any place here though. Maybe past Lunarin?" he scrunched his face after saying the town's name.

"Why is it called that? It seems so elegant for a tiny town.." I asked, leaning back in my seat, giving up the search.

"According to superstitions, crescent moons look absolutely amazing and will give you good luck if you camp there on a crescent moon."

"You know this, how?"

"Talon's family used to live there. He told me about it and how every crescent moon it'd be a big deal for the whole town."

I nodded, thinking before a hand tapped on my shoulder. Looking up, I smile to see Quinn and Killian standing there. "Time to switch?"

Killian nodded, shooing me out of the seat quickly to take my place. "We going straight through Lunarin or we gonna take a break?"

"We're going to stop in to take a break and camp in the fields nearby Lunaris." I say, smiling.

"Sounds cool. Alrightie, let's go then, huh?" Quinn said, sliding into the passenger's seat swiftly.


I frowned, laying on my back to stare at the ceiling of the RV. I have to admit, I hope we get there before night hits. "When are we getting there?"

"Soon, Luce, soon." Talon says quietly, bobbing his head to a invisible beat.

"What are you bobbing your head to?" I asked, rolling over onto my stomach.

"Nothing. Just an old song I remember Lunarin singing during the crescent moons." he said dreamily, shutting his eyes to imagine his childhood.

I nodded contently, turning to face Dustin instead. "Hey, I know Talon's old hometown, but I don't know yours."

Dustin looked down at me, arching his eyebrows. "True. Would you believe that it's Pinebridge?"

I sat up at that, shaking my head. "No way."

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