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Nobody"s pov

After the webshow Sam, Carly, and Freddie were just doing their usuals. They were downstairs. Sam was eating fried chicken with Freddie, Carly was looking at the comments of their recent shoot. "Sam, do you ma-" Freddie was cut off, "Hey Hey people! Guess what?" Spencer jumped out of his room, Freddie sighed. "What?" Sam asked, "Socko just made new light up gloves to match his lightup gloves! Anyone want one?" Spencer explained, "Yeah whatever" Sam got some gloves, "So.. like.. how do you wash them and not get zapped by the lights?" Carly asked, "Easy, you just get to the sink just like so... and you open the faucet, put the gloves under-.. OWW! AGHH!" Spencer get"s electrocuted and immediately turned the sink off. "Nevermind.." Sam puts the gloves back in the box and starts to eat fried chicken again.

"What the heck?!" Carly exclaimed, "What"s wrong?" Freddie asked her as he walked over to the monitor, "People have been posting mean comments about Sam.." Carly sighed, Sam furrowed her brows in curiosity "Let me see that" she walked over to Carly and saw the comments.


User576838563: Why is Sam even in iCarly? She isn"t even pretty


Creddiefacts: Yeah, she"s getting in the way of Creddie!

Geekchique: Sam will always be second best. If it weren"t for Carly, she"ll be nothing

Teaspills: Why are you guys being mean to her? Think before you say something that could hurt a person!

Bookiebrooke: Oh please, she doesn"t deserve fame! She"s just mean! Makes sense why her dad left her, he knew she wasn"t worth it.

Lillyllamas: Good one! Her mom doesn"t even love her. Nobody would, I bet Carly and Freddie don"t even care about her.


(It actually hurt me while writing those)

"Alright, that"s enough! What is wrong with these people?!" Carly groaned, Sam felt so hurt inside.. mostly about the comments starting to talk about her family life, but in the outside she just looked fine. Fake it until you make it.. she thought to herself. Freddie was furious about those comments, "Don"t listen to them Sam.." he rubs Sam"s back which he was surprised because she usually never lets him do that. "It"s cool.. These are just comments online, who cares about what they think? I"m fine" she played it off like she was fine, she started to eat chicken again. "Those people don"t have anything better to do. Why feed them the emotion they want to come out from me? It"s obvious they"re trying to push my buttons" she shrugged.

"I"ll put a permablock on those people, you don"t deserve the hate... even if you sometimes torture me" Freddie joked a bit. "H-Hey, why don"t we have a spaghetti taco night.." Spencer tries to lighten up the mood a bit, "Nah, look guys I"m fine. Some comments aren"t going to hurt me" Sam assured them that everything was okay, she heard a ding on her phone. "Seriously?!" she furrowed her brows in anger, "Why?" Freddie asked, "My mom texted me that she snapped my headphones in half" Sam groaned, she stood up and walked to the door.

"I"m going to head back home, I"ll permaban the users and check on my mom. She"s sick right now" Freddie implied, "Alright, Night Freddie!" Carly waved goodbye, "See you dude" Spencer said. Freddie waved and walked back into his apartment.


Sam wore her oversized red sweater, pajama pants, rubber shoes and socks. She had some tear stains and was headed to Bushwell Plaza.

Freddie heard a knock on his door, he opened it to see Sam, she went in his room. "Sam? It"s almost 11pm" he said, she nods and showed him her phone. Freddie took it and saw Sam received so much mail and death threats, "What the chiz?! Why would-" he took a closer look at Sam"s face, he furrowed his brows in sadness, he hugged her tight. "Sammy.." Sam hugged back, "Not that I"m not happy.. how did you get in and why"d you come to me?" Freddie asked, "I picked the lock and.. I-I just thought you"d help me the most since Carly would just try to help me by giving me things like food. I trust you with my emotions.." Sam implied, "I was fine with people saying I"m second best and I know that, I know that I am.. but they went overboard and started sending death threats, and invading my family life. I already know the struggle of having to raise myself and I don"t want people to talk about my family like that because I already know that my last name is tainted with crime. The fact that they also brought up my dad and how they said I was the reason he left gave me so much guilt. Messing with me with pranks is one thing but invading my personal life, mostly my family life and start making joke about it hurt when they say I"m the reason why my family sucks. Plus, they send me threats saying that I should leave iCarly because I"m getting in between you and Carly and that I"m not pretty enough. Saying that I"m second best and I know that I"m always second best, that"s why I call myself the sidekick but sometimes it hurts me because I compete with people everyday! I compete with my sister and she"s the 1st best, I don"t intentionally compete with Carly but I know that I"m second best because I stand behind her shadow. I know these things happen but-" Sam was cut off by Freddie kissing her forehead, he wiped her tears "You are not second best. Not me atleast.. I"ve already permabanned the users. I"m glad you actually came to me for help. Just know this, you are not, I repeat NOT second best, and you are not guilty for your family"s actions. Just ignore the threats and hate, if you need someone by your side.. I"ll be there. You are amazing, you"re tough and strong and I know you can get through this. This sort of thing also happened to me before, remember? We have each other"s backs and even if we rip on each other, we can come to each other for help" he kissed her nose.

"Thank you.." Sam hugged him tight, she thought for a bit.. "Freddie? What are we?" she asked, Freddie was taken aback. "I don"t know Sam, we"ve expressed how we feel towards each other before. " Freddie replied, "Just call me whatever you want.. because to be honest, I don"t know what we are either" Sam said, Freddie nods. "Do you want to stay the night? You look exhausted" he asked, she nods. "Alright, you just lay in bed and rest. I"ll just handle something" Freddie said, "Thanks.." Sam laid down on Freddie"s bed. Freddie sat beside her, "I"ll just go on live for a bit" he said, "Okay.." Sam nods.

*Freddie goes on live*

"Hey guys!" Freddie greeted the people who are coming in, "Omg Freddie!", "Heyy!" the comments said, "Hey. Let"s just wait for some more people to come in the live. I need to talk to you guys" Freddie said, Sam was just on her phone while Freddie was beside her, the live couldn"t see her. Freddie was discreetly stroking Sam"s hair. "Alright, since alot of people have already gotten in the the live.. we need to talk about Sam. Look, I know some of you aren"t fond of Sam, but that doesn"t give you the right to send her hate and death threats. She may be tough but everybody has and experiences sadness and guilt too. Please do not send her any hate, don"t insult her about her family life too, all of those are her privacy that you shouldn"t be invading. I know some of you think that she"s "getting in the way of Creddie" or "She"s just second best"*he puts air quotes*. But think about this.. what if there was no Creddie at this moment? and to me, she isn"t second best. Death threats are going too far, I know she may physically hurt people but she never once threatened someone that she"ll kill them. Carly and I love Sam, she is one of the craziest yet greatest person you can ever meet. Please stop sending hate or anymore hate towards her family too, she"s sensitive about her family life. I don"t like people sending hate to my girlfriend" Freddie said what he wanted Sam and him to be, he wanted to be her boyfriend. Sam widened her eyes in shock, she looked at him and smiled.

"Girlfriend?!", "Yass! Seddie!", "Alright, we won"t send anymore hate", "Both of you are dating?" is what all the comments said, "If you don"t like us dating then we don"t care. Now.. Sam, say hi to the live" Freddie shifts the camera to a sleepy Sam, "Hey, Freddie"s live. To any girls that will try to hit on him, back off" Sam waved and Freddie shifts the camera back to him, "Sleepy?" he asked her, "Yup" she replied.. Freddie kissed her cheek and she fell asleep. "I didn"t expect that!", "Aww, they"re sleeping in the same bed!", "Oh come on!", "She doesn"t deserve the hate!" is what the comments said again. "That"s all for this live, please follow what I said. I don"t like seeing my girlfriend hurt. Bye now" Freddie waved and ended the live. He saw Sam sleeping serenely, he closed the light and smiled. He started to hug her, he kissed her lips, she was slightly half awake and kissed back.. "Thank you.. and I"m glad that we know what the two of us are towards each other now" she smiled, "I"m glad too. If you need someone to talk to, to open up to.. I"m here for you" Freddie implied. Both of them fell asleep.

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