- Back and Forth -

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Nobody's pov 

Sam and Freddie have been together for two months now. Both have been fighting and arguing recently. It's currently summbler break, Sam was at Carly's place like the usual sitting on their couch and eating meatballs. "Did you and your mom have a fight again?" Carly asked, Sam looked at her "How'd you know?" she asked. "It's pretty obvious. You don't part your hair to the left unless you either don't care to part it to your usual right or because it's a habit you do when your mom annoys you or fights you, you'd part it to the left for some reason" Carly explained, "We've been bestfriends for too long" Sam said, "Which is great! Also I kind of figured you also had a fight with your mom because you're eating more meatballs that usual" Carly added.

Carly was making her special lemonade but now she's trying to make a pink one. Freddie walked in with his computer, "Hey Freddie!" Carly waved, "Sup Frednerd" Sam smirked, "How are you Sam?" Freddie asked, the blonde furrowed her brows, "*scoffs* what kind of question is that? I'm fine, duh" she rolled her eyes, "I was just asking! What? Is it wrong for a boyfriend to ask how his girlfriend is doing?" the brunette boy sighed, "Well you could have rephrased it better diphead" Sam stuck her tongue out.Carly was tired of helping them so she just walked up into Spencer's room with her lemonade.

"You know what?!" Freddie put his laptop down, "What?" Sam said with a stone cold face. Freddie took her last meatball and ate it, "Dude! Those were some good meatballs! Do you know how long the line is just to get those?! What's your problem?" Sam smacked him and stepped on his foot. "I'm so tired of giving you the power over me. Everytime I try to even tell you I love you and how I care, you for some reason get mad at me!" Freddie exclaimed, Sam sighed.

"It's always 1 step forward and 3 steps back.. our relationship goes back and forth" he furrowed his brows, "Maybe if you didn't make me mad all the time we won't keep going back and forth" Sam shot at him, "I don't try to! I always think to myself if you want me, love me, or hate me because for some reason I get on your nerves these passed weeks" Freddie implied.

"I do love you. It's just.. I don't know why we've been like this recently. I don't understand" Sam said before chugging her water. "I'm surprised you didn't leave me yet to be honest" she said after. "What? No no! I don't want us to end up like that! I'm not a masochist but being with you is a rollercoaster yes but it's also exciting to be with you" Freddie held her shoulders.

"I just want to know whenever I walk into a room, which one of your many personalities will I get. The lazy sleepy but cute one, the hungry and fiesty one, the affectionate yet also not affectionate one, and more.." he gave a slight chuckle which made Sam cracked a smile slightly, shaking her head at herself.

"Well same goes for me! Whenever I'd scoff at something you'd say, you assume I'm mad. That's just how I react to things. Then you'd get all mad and we start fighting! It's like I'm the love of your life until I make you mad and vice versa" she explained while taking some steps back away from Freddie's grip.

"Sam, look I just always think if I said something wrong to you. I don't want to keep arguing all the time and to also stress Carly and Spencer out with our constant fighting" He implied while taking a step forward to her, "I always think to myself if I DID something wrong, like on our date actually scratch that... I mean everyday" she crossed her arms.

"*sigh* I'm so sorry Sammy.." Freddie apologized, Sam nods. He expected her to say it back, she didn't. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she furrowed her brows, "Shouldn't you also apologize to me?" he rose a brow, "Oh so it's my fault now!" Sam snapped at him, "Well not really! It's partially your fault too since we both paranoid each other" Freddie facepalmed, "Well it's your fault for assuming things because of my reactions to your questions sometimes!" Sam yelled, "Here we are going back and forth again. You're so hard to understand" Freddie lowered his tone a bit, "You wanted high maintenance girls right? You're dealing with one right now. It's either you love me, want me, or hate me because to be honest.. it's so hard to understand you too" Sam softened her tone, her hands felt tingly and her face felt hot though she wasn't blushing.

"If I were to pick between the three of those, I'd pick to love, want, and hate you because you're a complicated ride that I want to overcome and turn into a simple and straightforward one even if you look complicated to others" Freddie was poiring his heart out to her hoping she'd understand, Sam nods. "I... I'm sorry Freddie.. I'm sorry" she gave in and said it. Freddie smiled softly, "See, that didn't kill you to say it. Now that we made up without Carly's help it's 3 steps forward and just 1 step back" he hugged her, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"It's still back and forth" she said, "It's better than when you just keep going back" Freddie kissed the top of her head.Carly walked out the room in tears, I'm sorry it just looked like I watched a romantic sitcom when you two were sorting thing out" she chuckled through some sniffles, "Yay! You don't need me to become a counselor for relationships anymore!" she also cheered and went upstairs.

Sam and Freddie laugh slightly while still holding each other. "Let's go to the market to buy you some more meatballs, I'm also buying some ice cream" he suggested, "Let's go" Sam nods and the two of them walk out of the Shay's apartment.

(Yes, this was heavily inspired by Olivia Rodrigo's song. Stream Sour)

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