𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝘀|| Chapter 13

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And another month passed.
Actually the month passed really fast, school was pressant, the work was more and more stressant. And the exams were coming.
And that day arrived.
<<Don't be nervous, come on>> mom tried to cheer me up <<You always got good grades, you will be great too as well.>>
I nodded, still a bit worried <<I will try to calm down.>> and then I did deep breaths, like my mum suggested me to do.
My dad just helped me to repeat all the subjects and then Kokichi tried to offer me a Panta, but I was too nervous to drink it so I refused gently.
<<You are so mean>> he whined, acting like a baby.
<<Sorry, I am just so nervous>> I said, explaining my mood.
He just looked at me <<Good luck, then, show them how intellingent you are... for some aspects>> he teased me and laughed.

Then I went to school with my dad while I was looking at my notebooks with lessons if math, english letterature, physic and even other subjects.
<<Good luck>> my dad just said. I sighed <<Yeah I really need it.>> then I got out the car and I went inside the school where my friends were waiting for me.
<<Rika!>> Maya, one of my friends, greeted at me while smiling <<You are there. I am so nervous, I don't know if I will pass my exam.>>
<<Of course you will>> another member of our group talked, Rowan <<You always get excellent grades, I don't even know how did I arrive at the last year of High School.>>
With us joined Kazuki and Sora as well, the two asian twins, also the two most intelligent in our group <<Did you repeated even old things we learned the last year?>>
We looked at them shocked <<What-?>>.
We were surely fucked.

But no.
The exam started as the teacher gave us the papers. There were simple things but also difficoult ones.
After that we had a second exam, face-to-face with the professors. When was my turn, I got in the room and I sat at a table that they pointed at me. After that they started to ask general questions and then showed me a picture. I don't remember what was on it but I described it and then I did links with the subjects I had studied. I am sure I said kind of bullshits and I stuttered a lot but anyway I was able to answer.
But after that I was finally free.

Two week later the result arrived so I ran to school as soon as possible to see my name and also if I passed.
There we three big papers on the wall of the school with the names of all the students. As I arrived there I saw people laugh, someone crying really loud and someone being neutral, like they expected the result.
I went to the paper and I searched my name.

121- Rika Fujiwara ... PASSED.

I don't remember at all what I said, but I remember I yelled something and I jumped for all the joy I felt.
My friends passed as well and, after that, we all wet to get something to celebrate our results.
<<What will you do after the school now?>> Maya asked. That's the question I hate the most, because I never know how to answer. Well I know how to answer but I am scared to be judged.
Rowan answered immediately <<I will work with my dad as a mechanic>>.
<<I will try to enter to the University of Oxford>> Kazuki said as Sora talked too <<And I will try to enter to Cambridge.>>.
Maya then asked <<And you, Rika?>>
I made a deep breath <<I think I will go to the University as well. I don't know which one but one day I would like to write a book, something that would inspire people.>>
She looked at me and smiled <<That's not a bad idea. Maybe you will inspire us, or you will inspire the person you like the most.>>

When I went back home my parents were so happy that made me my favorite dinner: Gyros. This is a typical greek dish of roasted meat served in a pita with tomato, onion, and tzatziki (a creamy sauce made from yogurt, cucumber, garlic, and various spices).
Also Kokichi was there and he congratualted with me, making almost fall the Panta, that he had in his hands, on me <<So finally the stress is over.>>
<<Not yet, you are still here.>> I teased him as he pouted like a little baby.
Typical of Kokichi.

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